Microwave Active Circuit Analysis and Design,
Edition 1
By Clive Poole and Izzat Darwazeh
Publication Date:
27 Oct 2015
This book teaches the skills and knowledge required by today’s RF and microwave engineer in a concise, structured and systematic way. Reflecting modern developments in the field, this book focuses on active circuit design covering the latest devices and design techniques.
From electromagnetic and transmission line theory and S-parameters through to amplifier and oscillator design, techniques for low noise and broadband design; This book focuses on analysis and design including up to date material on MMIC design techniques.
With this book you will:
- Learn the basics of RF and microwave circuit analysis and design, with an emphasis on active circuits, and become familiar with the operating principles of the most common active system building blocks such as amplifiers, oscillators and mixers
- Be able to design transistor-based amplifiers, oscillators and mixers by means of basic design methodologies
- Be able to apply established graphical design tools, such as the Smith chart and feedback mappings, to the design RF and microwave active circuits
- Acquire a set of basic design skills and useful tools that can be employed without recourse to complex computer aided design
Key Features
- Structured in the form of modular chapters, each covering a specific topic in a concise form suitable for delivery in a single lecture
- Emphasis on clear explanation and a step-by-step approach that aims to help students to easily grasp complex concepts
- Contains tutorial questions and problems allowing readers to test their knowledge
- An accompanying website containing supporting material in the form of slides and software (MATLAB) listings
- Unique material on negative resistance oscillator design, noise analysis and three-port design techniques
- Covers the latest developments in microwave active circuit design with new approaches that are not covered elsewhere
- Section A: Foundations
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 1.1 Introduction to microwave electronics
- 1.2 Properties of materials at microwave frequencies
- 1.3 Behavior of real components at microwave frequencies
- 1.4 The importance of impedance matching
- 1.5 Common microwave metrics
- 1.6 Quality factor, Q
- 1.7 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 2: Transmission line theory
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Propagation and reflection on a transmission line
- 2.3 Sinusoidal steady-state conditions: standing waves
- 2.4 Primary line constants
- 2.5 The lossless transmission line
- 2.6 Derivation of the characteristic impedance
- 2.7 Transmission lines with arbitrary terminations
- 2.8 The effect of line losses
- 2.9 Power considerations
- 2.10 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 3: Practical transmission lines
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Waveguide
- 3.3 Co-axial cable
- 3.4 Twisted pair
- 3.5 Microstrip
- 3.6 Microstrip discontinuities
- 3.7 Stripline
- 3.8 Coplanar waveguide
- 3.9 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 4: The Smith Chart
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 4.1 Introduction to the Smith Chart
- 4.2 Smith Chart Derivation
- 4.3 Using the Smith Chart
- 4.4 Smith Chart Variants
- 4.5 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Section B: Microwave Circuit Analysis
- Chapter 5: Immittance parameters
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Conversion between immittance parameters
- 5.3 Input and output impedance of a two-port in terms of immittance parameters
- 5.4 Classification of immittance matrices
- 5.5 Immittance parameter representation of active devices
- 5.6 Immittance parameter analysis of two-ports with feedback
- 5.7 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 6: S-parameters
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Input and output impedance of a two-port in terms of S-parameters
- 6.3 Classification of S-matrices
- 6.4 Signal flow graphs
- 6.5 Scattering transfer parameters
- 6.6 Relationship between S-parameters and immittance parameters
- 6.7 Measurement of S-parameters
- 6.8 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 7: Gain and stability of active networks
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Power gain in terms of immittance parameters
- 7.3 Stability in terms of immittance parameters
- 7.4 Stability in terms of S-parameters
- 7.5 Power gain in terms of S-parameters
- 7.6 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 8: Three-port analysis techniques
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Three-port immittance parameters
- 8.3 Three-port S-parameters
- 8.4 Configuration conversion
- 8.5 Feedback mappings
- 8.6 Application of three-port design techniques
- 8.7 Reverse feedback mappings
- 8.8 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 9: Lumped element matching networks
- Abstract
- Intended learning outcomes
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 L-section matching networks
- 9.3 Three element matching networks
- 9.4 Bandwidth of lumped element matching networks
- 9.5 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 10: Distributed element matching networks
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Impedance transformation with line sections
- 10.3 Single stub matching
- 10.4 Double stub matching
- 10.5 Triple stub matching
- 10.6 Quarter-Wave transformer matching
- 10.7 Bandwidth of distributed element matching networks
- 10.8 Summary
- 10.9 Takeaways
- Tutorial problems
- Chapter 5: Immittance parameters
- Section C: Microwave Circuit Design
- Chapter 11: Microwave semiconductor materials and diodes
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Choice of microwave semiconductor materials
- 11.3 Microwave semiconductor fabrication technology
- 11.4 The pn-junction
- 11.5 Schottky diodes
- 11.6 Varactor diodes
- 11.7 PIN diodes
- 11.8 Tunnel diodes
- 11.9 Gunn diodes
- 11.10 The IMPATT diode family
- 11.11 Takeaways
- Chapter 12: Microwave transistors and MMICs
- Abstract
- Intended learning outcomes
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Microwave bipolar junction transistors
- 12.3 Heterojunction bipolar transistor
- 12.4 Microwave field-effect Transistors
- 12.5 MESFET and HEMT equivalent circuit
- 12.6 Monolithic microwave integrated circuits
- 12.7 MMIC technologies
- 12.8 MMIC circuit elements
- 12.9 MMIC application example
- 12.10 Takeaways
- Chapter 13: Microwave amplifier design
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Single-stage amplifier design
- 13.3 Single-stage feedback amplifier design
- 13.4 Multistage amplifiers
- 13.5 Broadband amplifiers
- 13.6 Takeaways
- Chapter 14: Low-noise amplifier design
- Abstract
- Intended learning outcomes
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 Types of electrical noise
- 14.3 Noise factor, noise figure, and noise temperature
- 14.4 Representation of noise in active two-port networks
- 14.5 Single-stage low-noise amplifier design
- 14.6 Multistage low-noise amplifier design
- 14.7 Noise measurements
- 14.8 Takeaways
- Chapter 15: Microwave oscillator design
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 RF Feedback oscillators
- 15.3 Cross-coupled oscillators
- 15.4 Negative resistance oscillators
- 15.5 Frequency stabilization
- 15.6 Voltage controlled oscillators
- 15.7 Injection locked and synchronous oscillators
- 15.8 Takeaways
- Chapter 16: Low-noise oscillator design
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 16.1 Introduction
- 16.2 Definition of phase noise
- 16.3 Why Oscillator Phase Noise Is Important
- 16.4 Root causes of phase noise
- 16.5 Modeling oscillator phase noise
- 16.6 Low-Noise Oscillator Design
- 16.7 Phase-noise measurements
- 16.8 Takeaways
- Chapter 17: Microwave mixers
- Abstract
- Intended Learning Outcomes
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 Mixer characterization
- 17.3 Basic mixer operation
- 17.4 Passive mixer circuits
- 17.5 Active mixer circuits
- 17.6 Takeaways
- Chapter 11: Microwave semiconductor materials and diodes
- Appendix A: Parameter conversion tables
- A.1 Two-Port Immittance Parameter Conversions
- A.2 Two-Port S-Parameters to Immittance Parameter Conversions
- A.3 Two-Port Immittance Parameter to S-Parameter Conversions
- A.4 Two-Port T-Parameter and S-Parameter Conversions
- Appendix B: Physical constants
- Appendix C: Forbidden regions for L-sections
- C.1 Forbidden regions for LC L-sections
- C.2 Forbidden regions for LL and CC L-sections
Page Count: 664
Retail Price
- Grebennikov, Switch-mode RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers, Academic Press, 2012, 678pp, 9780124159075, $119.95
- Schreurs, Microwave De-embedding: From Theory to Applications, Academic Press, 2013, 56pp, 9780124017009, $124.95
- Manganaro, Advances in Analog and RF IC Design for Wireless Communication Systems, Academic Press, 2013, 310pp, 9780123983268, $129.95
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Professional and graduate students of RF and microwave circuits
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