Hospital and Healthcare Security,
Edition 6
By Tony W York, CPP, CHPA, M. S., MBA and Don MacAlister

Publication Date: 24 Feb 2015

Building on the foundation of the previous five editions, Hospital and Healthcare Security, 6th Edition includes new and updated chapters to reflect the current state of healthcare security, particularly in data security and patient privacy, patient-generated violence, and emergency preparedness and management. The recognized leading text in the healthcare security industry, Hospital and Healthcare Security, 6th Edition explains the basics as well as higher expertise concerns, such as the roles of design, emergency management, and policy. Conveying a wide spectrum of topics in an easy to comprehend format, Hospital and Healthcare Security, 6th Edition provides a fresh perspective for healthcare security professionals to better prepare for security issue before they occur.

Key Features

  • Offers a quick-start section for hospital administrators who need an overview of security issues and best practices
  • Includes a sample request for proposals (RFP) for healthcare security services and incident report classifications
  • General principles clearly laid out so readers can apply internationally recognized industry standards most appropriate to their own environment
  • The new edition includes materials that address the latest issues of concern to healthcare security professionals, including security design, emergency management, off-campus programs and services, and best practices in mitigating patient-generated violence
About the author
By Tony W York, CPP, CHPA, M. S., MBA, Executive Vice President, Healthcare, Paladin Security Group; founder and principal consultant, FlyBox, LLC, CO, USA and Don MacAlister, Vice president, Paladin Security Group, Vancouver, Canada
Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Healthcare Environment

  • Categories of Healthcare
  • Types of Hospitals
  • Nonhospital Side of Healthcare
  • Diverse Stakeholders
  • Staffing the Medical Care Facility
  • The Healthcare Security Administrator
  • The Joint Commission
  • The Environment of Care Committee
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Chapter 2. Protecting a Healing Environment

  • Defining Healthcare Security
  • Basic Rationale of Healthcare Security
  • Evolution of Healthcare Security
  • Security, Risk Management, Safety
  • Developing the Security System
  • Psychological Deterrents
  • Basic Security Program Objectives
  • External Forces
  • Body of Knowledge

Chapter 3. Healthcare Security Risks and Vulnerabilities

  • Basic Healthcare Security Risks/Vulnerabilities
  • Primary Security Risks
  • Facility Security Risk Assessment

Chapter 4. Security Management Planning

  • Security Management Plan
  • Security Strategic Plan

Chapter 5. Managing the Basic Elements of Healthcare Security

  • Customer Service
  • Maintaining an Orderly Environment
  • Preventative Patrol
  • Incident Reporting and Investigation
  • Response to Requests for Service
  • Security Communications
  • Parking and Traffic Control
  • Accident Reporting and Investigation
  • Security Education and Training
  • Applicant Background Investigation
  • Reaction to Internal and External Emergencies
  • Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
  • Access Control
  • Liaison with Law Enforcement and Other Government Agencies
  • Internal and External Audits
  • Locks and Keys
  • Other Support Services
  • Public/Employee/Community Relations

Chapter 6. Security Department Organization and Staffing

  • Security Function Reporting Level and Support
  • Systems (Multifacility) Security Management Control
  • Types of Security Staff

Chapter 7. Leadership and Professional Development

  • Defining Leadership
  • Leadership Competencies
  • The Security Leadership Role
  • Leadership Development
  • The Healthcare Security Supervisor
  • Motivation
  • Performance Management

Chapter 8. The Healthcare Security Officer

  • The Security Officer
  • Selecting Security Personnel
  • Full-time Versus Part-time Security Officers
  • Wage Compensation
  • Retention
  • Performance Expectations

Chapter 9. The Security Uniform and Defensive Equipment

  • Uniforms
  • Use of Firearms
  • Other Security and Defensive Equipment Considerations
  • Use of Force
  • Training
  • Security Operations Manual

Chapter 10. Training and Development

  • Training Concepts
  • New Security Officer Training
  • IAHSS Progressive Certification Program
  • IAHSS Basic Security Officer Training
  • IAHSS Supervisory Training
  • Specialized or Supplemental Training
  • Elective Training
  • Training Resources and Records Requirements

Chapter 11. Deployment and Patrol Activities

  • Deployment Objectives
  • Flexing the Security Staffing Plan
  • Scheduling the Security Staff
  • Deployment Patterns and Concepts
  • Post Assignments
  • Basic Patrol Deployment Plans
  • Patient Care Units/Areas
  • Entrances and Exits
  • Basic Patrol Concepts
  • Security Officer Response
  • Patrol Problems

Chapter 12. Program Documentation and Performance Measures

  • Purpose of Records
  • Basic Records
  • Key Performance Indicators

Chapter 13. Patient Care Involvement and Intervention

  • Patients
  • Assisting with Patients
  • Patient Risk Groups
  • Patient Property
  • Visitors

Chapter 14. Human Resources and Staff Responsibilities

  • Healthcare Employee Selection
  • Staff Identification Badges
  • Security-Oriented Employment Guidelines

Chapter 15. Employee Involvement and Security Awareness

  • Employee Security Education and Motivation
  • Hospital Watch

Chapter 16. Investigative Activity

  • Security versus Police Investigation
  • Types of Investigation
  • Investigator Attributes
  • Interviewing and Interrogation
  • Undercover (Covert) Investigations

Chapter 17. Security Design Considerations for Healthcare

  • Security Master Plan
  • IAHSS Security Design Guidelines
  • Security Design Considerations
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
  • Emergency Management Design

Chapter 18. Physical Security Safeguards

  • Basics of Physical Security
  • Barriers
  • Bollards
  • Lighting
  • Trees and Shrubs
  • Locks and Keys
  • Security Seals
  • Glazing (Glass)
  • Fastening Down Equipment
  • Marking Property
  • Safes
  • Signage

Chapter 19. Electronic Security System Integration

  • The Security Operations Center
  • Alarms
  • Access Control
  • Video Surveillance
  • Other Security Technology Applications in Healthcare
  • Testing and Maintaining Security System Components
  • Security Technology Implementation Tips

Chapter 20. Preventing and Managing Healthcare Aggression and Violence

  • The Who (Perpetrators/Visitors)
  • The What and the Why
  • The When and the Where
  • The Management of Healthcare Violence
  • Preventing Violence in the Workplace
  • Culture of Tolerance

Chapter 21. Areas of Higher Risk

  • Security Sensitive Areas
  • Infant Abductions from Healthcare Facilities
  • The Basics of the Infant Security Plan
  • Emergency Department Security
  • The Hospital Pharmacy

Chapter 22. Areas of Special Concern

  • Protected Health Information
  • Information Technology
  • Materials Management
  • The Research Laboratory (Animal)
  • Child Development Centers
  • Business Office/Cashiers
  • Other Areas Needing Special Security Consideration
  • Security Areas of Concern Specific to the Organization

Chapter 23. Parking and the External Environment

  • Types of Parking Areas
  • Parking Shuttle Service
  • Valet Service
  • Types of Parkers
  • Automated Controls
  • Traffic Flow and Space Allocation
  • Pay for Parking
  • Parking System Violators

Chapter 24. Nonacute Facilities and Off-campus Programs and Services

  • The Need for Off-campus Facilities and Services
  • Home Healthcare (Community Provider Services)
  • Off-campus Patient Treatment Facilities
  • Long-term/Residential Care Facilities
  • Nonclinical Off-campus Facilities

Chapter 25. Emergency Preparedness: Planning and Management

  • Regulations for Healthcare Emergency Preparedness
  • Emergency Management Planning
  • Bomb Threat
  • Active Shooter Prevention and Response
  • Patient Decontamination
  • Evacuation
  • Emergency Preparedness Exercise Design and Conduct

Chapter 26. A Primer for Healthcare Executives

  • What Basic Objectives Should We Have for the Security Program?
  • What Leadership Characteristics Should the Healthcare Security Administrator Possess?
  • Where Should Security Report?
  • What Customer Service Expectations Should Be Established for Security?
  • Why Do I Need a Security Master Plan?
  • How Do We Identify Our Security Risks and Vulnerabilities?
  • Does the Community Standard have a Role?
  • The Security Staffing Model: How Large a Staff Is Needed?
  • Security Training: What Should I Expect?
  • How Do I Know My Security Staff Are Competent?
  • How Much Involvement Should Security Have with Patients?
  • What Type of Uniform Should Security Officers Wear?
  • What Use of Force Options Should Be Made Available to Our Security Staff?
  • How Should Security Be Designed into the Healthcare Facility?
  • How Important is Access Control?
  • Where are Alarms Needed?
  • Why Invest in Video Surveillance?
  • What Other Security Technology Applications Should be Considered?
  • The Investment in Security Technology Has Been Made, But How Do We Know it Works?
  • How Concerned Should We Be about Violence in Healthcare?
  • Are We Doing Enough to Protect Our Infant and Pediatric Patients?
  • What Should We Do Differently to Manage Forensic/Prisoner Patients?
  • Are We Doing Enough to Protect the Privacy of Our Data?
  • How Do We Get Employee Involvement in the Protection Effort?
  • What Security-related Policy and Procedures Do I Need?
  • What Performance Metrics Should I Be Using for Benchmarking My Security Program?
Book details
ISBN: 9780124200487
Page Count: 750
Retail Price : £78.99
  • Haddow, Bullock, and Coppola, Introduction to Emergency Management, 5e, 9780124077843, 440 pp., Oct-2013, $59.95
  • Fennelly and Crowe, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, 3e, 9780124116351, 376 pp., Jul-2013, $94.95
  • Sennewald, Effective Security Management, 5e, 9780123820129, 360 pp., Apr-2011, $69.95

Healthcare security supervisors, managers, and directors; facility directors, risk managers, safety and emergency staff; healthcare administrators; vendors of healthcare security products and services; students in healthcare administration and criminal justice courses.