An Introduction to MATLAB® Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers,
Edition 1
By Timmy Siauw and Alexandre Bayen

Publication Date: 18 Apr 2014
Assuming no prior background in linear algebra or real analysis, An Introduction to MATLAB® Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers enables you to develop good computational problem solving techniques through the use of numerical methods and the MATLAB® programming environment. Part One introduces fundamental programming concepts, using simple examples to put new concepts quickly into practice. Part Two covers the fundamentals of algorithms and numerical analysis at a level allowing you to quickly apply results in practical settings.

Key Features

  • Tips, warnings, and "try this" features within each chapter help the reader develop good programming practices
  • Chapter summaries, key terms, and functions and operators lists at the end of each chapter allow for quick access to important information
  • At least three different types of end of chapter exercises — thinking, writing, and coding — let you assess your understanding and practice what you've learned
About the author
By Timmy Siauw, University of California, Berkeley, USA and Alexandre Bayen, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Table of Contents
  • Dedication
  • Preface
    • Purpose
    • Prerequisites
    • Organization
    • What’s Missing?
    • How to Read this Book
    • MATLAB Version
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of Figures
  • Part 1: Introduction to Programming for Engineers
  • Chapter 1. MATLAB® Basics
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 1.1 Getting Started with the MATLAB® Environment
    • 1.2 MATLAB® as a Calculator
    • 1.3 Logical Expressions and Operators
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 2. Variables and Basic Data Structures
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 2.1 Variables and Assignment
    • 2.2 Double Arrays
    • 2.3 Char Arrays
    • 2.4 Struct Arrays
    • 2.5 Cell Arrays
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 3. Functions
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 3.1 Function Basics
    • 3.2 Function Workspace
    • 3.3 MATLAB®’s Path
    • 3.4 Subfunctions
    • 3.5 Function Handles
    • 3.6 Script Files
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 4. Branching Statements
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 4.1 If-Else Statements
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 5. Iteration
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 5.1 For-Loops
    • 5.2 Indefinite Loops
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 6. Recursion
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 6.1 Recursive Functions
    • 6.2 Divide and Conquer
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 7. Complexity
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 7.1 Complexity and Big-O Notation
    • 7.2 Complexity Matters
    • 7.3 The Profiler
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 8. Representation of Numbers
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 8.1 Base-N and Binary
    • 8.2 Floating Point Numbers
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 9. Errors, Good Programming Practices, and Debugging
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 9.1 Error Types
    • 9.2 Avoiding Errors
    • 9.3 Try/Catch
    • 9.4 Type Checking
    • 9.5 Debugging
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 10. Reading and Writing Data
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 10.1 .mat Files
    • 10.2 .txt Files
    • 10.3 .xls Files
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 11. Visualization and Plotting
    • Abstract
    • 11.1 2D Plotting
    • 11.2 3D Plotting
    • 11.3 Animations and Movies
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Part 2: Introduction to Numerical Methods
  • Chapter 12. Linear Algebra and Systems of Linear Equations
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 12.1 Sets
    • 12.2 Vectors
    • 12.3 Matrices
    • 12.4 Linear Transformations
    • 12.5 Systems of Linear Equations
    • 12.6 Solutions to Systems of Linear Equations
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 13. Least Squares Regression
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 13.1 Least Squares Regression Problem Statement
    • 13.2 Least Squares Regression Derivation (Linear Algebra)
    • 13.3 Least Squares Regression Derivation (Multivariable Calculus)
    • 13.4 Least Squares Regression in MATLAB®
    • 13.5 Log Tricks for Nonlinear Estimation Functions
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 14. Interpolation
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 14.1 Interpolation Problem Statement
    • 14.2 Linear Interpolation
    • 14.3 Cubic Spline Interpolation
    • 14.4 Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 15. Series
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 15.1 Expressing Functions with Taylor Series
    • 15.2 Approximations with Taylor Series
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 16. Root Finding
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 16.1 Root Finding Problem Statement
    • 16.2 Tolerance
    • 16.3 Bisection Method
    • 16.4 Newton-Raphson Method
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 17. Numerical Differentiation
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 17.1 Numerical Differentiation Problem Statement
    • 17.2 Approximating Derivatives with Taylor Series
    • 17.3 Approximations of Higher Order Derivatives
    • 17.4 Numerical Differentiation with Noise
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 18. Numerical Integration
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 18.1 Numerical Integration Problem Statement
    • 18.2 Riemann’s Integral
    • 18.3 Trapezoid Rule
    • 18.4 Simpson’s Rule
    • 18.5 Computing Integrals in MATLAB®
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Chapter 19. Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
    • Abstract
    • Motivation
    • 19.1 ODE Initial Value Problem Statement
    • 19.2 Reduction of Order
    • 19.3 The Euler Method for Solving ODEs
    • 19.4 Numerical Error and Instability
    • 19.5 Predictor-Corrector Methods
    • 19.6 MATLAB® ODE Solvers
    • Summary
    • Vocabulary
    • Functions and Operators
    • Problems
  • Index
Book details
ISBN: 9780124202283
Page Count: 340
Retail Price : £58.99
  • Attaway. MATLAB®: A Practical Introduction To Programming And Problem Solving, Third Edition. 978-0-12-405876-7.
  • Hahn & Valentine. Essential MATLAB® for Engineers and Scientists, Fifth Edition. 978-0-12-394398-9.
Engineering students and practicing engineers learning MATLAB® programming and numerical methods for the first time.