Forensic Biology,
Edition 1
Edited by Max M. Houck

Publication Date: 08 Jan 2015

Forensic Biology provides coordinated expert content from world-renowned leading authorities in forensic biology. Covering the range of forensic biology, this volume in the Advanced Forensic Science Series provides up-to-date scientific learning on DNA analysis. Technical information, written with the degreed professional in mind, brings established methods together with newer approaches to build a comprehensive knowledge base for the student and practitioner alike.

LIke each volume in the Advanced Forensic Science Series, review and discussion questions allow the text to be used in classrooms, training programs, and numerous other applications. Sections on fundamentals of forensic science, history, safety, and professional issues provide context and consistency in support of the forensic enterprise. Forensic Biology sets a new standard for reference and learning texts in mondern forensic science.

Key Features

  • Advanced articles written by international forensic biology experts
  • Covers the range of forensic biology, including methods and interpretation
  • Includes entries on history, safety, and professional issues
  • Useful as a professional reference, advanced textbook, or training review
About the author
Edited by Max M. Houck, Vice President, Forensic and Intelligence Services, LLC, Virginia, USA
Table of Contents
  • Editor: Biography
  • List of Contributors
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Overview
  • Section 1. Introduction
    • Introduction
    • Principles of Forensic Science
      • Glossary
      • What Is Forensic Science?
      • The Trace as the Basic Unit of Forensic Science
      • Two Native Principles
      • Nonnative Principles
      • See also
    • Forensic Classification of Evidence
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Methods of Classification
      • Class-Level Information
      • Uniqueness and Individualization
      • Relationships and Context
      • See also
    • Interpretation/The Comparative Method
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Analogy and Comparison within a Forensic Process
      • The Comparative Method within Forensic Science
      • See also
    • Forensic Genetics: History
      • Glossary
      • The Early Times
      • DNA Typing: Minisatellites and Short Tandem Repeats
      • Polymorphisms in Sexual Chromosomes and Mitochondrial DNA
      • Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and the Technological Revolution
      • See also
    • Basic Principles
      • Glossary
      • Definition
      • Genetic Theory and Probabilities
      • Genetic Information and DNA
      • See also
    • Overview
      • Glossary
      • Deoxyribonucleic Acid
      • See also
    • Key Terms
    • Review Questions
    • Discussion Questions
  • Section 2. Methods
    • Introduction
    • Capillary Electrophoresis: Basic Principles
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Fundamentals of CE
      • Background Electrolytes
      • Modes of Separation in Electrophoresis
      • Instrumentation and Sample Handling
      • Future Directions
      • See also
    • Capillary Electrophoresis in Forensic Biology
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • CE Methodology
      • CE Typing Methodologies Used by Forensic Biologists
      • The Future of CE in Forensic Biology
      • Conclusion
      • See also
    • Capillary Electrophoresis in Forensic Genetics
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Theory of CE
      • Conclusions
      • See also
    • Chromatography: Basic Principles
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Classification of Chromatographic Techniques
      • Chromatographic Distribution Equilibria
      • Band Broadening in Chromatography
      • Additional Comments on Band Broadening
      • Optimization of Chromatographic Performance
      • See also
    • mRNA and MicroRNA for Body Fluid Identification
      • Introduction
      • Messenger RNA
      • MicroRNA
      • Other Applications of RNA in Forensic Science
      • See also
    • Key Terms
    • Review Questions
    • Discussion Questions
  • Section 3. Analysis
    • Introduction
    • DNA Extraction and Quantification
      • DNA Extraction
      • Organic (Phenol–Chloroform) Extraction
      • Solid-phase DNA Extraction Methods
      • Chelating Resins (Chelex)
      • DNA from FTA Spots
      • Differential Lysis
      • DNA Extraction from Bones and Teeth
      • Laser Capture Microdissection
      • Automation of DNA Extraction
      • Microfluidic DNA Extraction Devices
      • DNA Quantification
      • Current Real-time PCR Chemistries for Human DNA Quantification
      • Real-time PCR Nuclear DNA Quantification Assays
      • Real-time PCR Mitochondrial DNA Quantification
      • Acknowledgment
      • See also
    • Short Tandem Repeats
      • Glossary
      • The Genetics of Short Tandem Repeats. Short Tandem Repeats as a Class of Satellite DNA and the Genomic Characteristics of the Core Forensic Markers. Early Consensus on Ideal Forensic Short Tandem Repeats
      • The Principles of Forensic Dye-labeled STR Typing: PCR Amplification, the DNA Profile, and the Match Probability
      • Irregularities Seen in Routine STR Profiling. Nonstandard Alleles, Complex Forensic STR Profiles, and the Importance of Detection Thresholds
      • New Developments in STR Typing
      • Beyond the Core Loci: New STRs
      • See also
    • Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • SNPs versus Short Tandem Repeats
      • SNP Typing Methods
      • SNP Typing Assays for Human Identification
      • See also
    • MiniSTRs
      • Introduction
      • The Definition of a MiniSTR
      • Benefits of MiniSTRs
      • Limitations of MiniSTRs
      • Concordance Issues
      • Conclusions
      • See also
    • Low-Template DNA Testing
      • Glossary
      • Definition
      • Applications of LT-DNA Testing
      • Implementation of LT-DNA Testing
      • Statistical Considerations for LT-DNA Analysis
      • Casework Examples
      • Other Case Examples
      • Additional Considerations
      • See also
    • X-Chromosome Markers
      • Glossary
      • The X-Chromosome
      • X-Chromosome Markers in Forensic Genetics
      • Genetic Markers
      • Conclusions
      • See also
    • Ancestry Informative Markers
      • Glossary
      • The First Forensic Ancestry Informative Markers: Early Use of Ancestry Informative Protein Polymorphisms Demonstrated Their Value for Investigations
      • Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Variation
      • Points of Reference: Defining Populations or Ancestries, Ancestry Informativeness Metrics, Types of Autosomal AIMs, and Population Diversity Reference Panels
      • Autosomal AIM-SNPs
      • Indels
      • Short Tandem Repeats
      • Statistical Analysis of AIM Genotype Data
      • Developments on the Horizon: Expanding Human SNP Catalogs, Combining Marker Types, Further Differentiation of Continental Population Groups, and X-Chromosome Markers
      • See also
    • Mitochondrial DNA
      • Glossary
      • Structure and Basics
      • Biology and Genetics
      • The Role of the Phylogeny in Forensic mtDNA Testing
      • Practical Aspects of Forensic mtDNA Testing
      • See also
    • Microbiology and Bioterrorism
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Bioterrorism (and Its Impact)
      • Biological Agents
      • Microbiology as a Forensic Science
      • The 2001 U.S. Anthrax Letters
      • The Application of Microbiological Procedures to the Forensic Sciences
      • The Microbiological Investigation of Bioterrorism
      • Final Remarks
      • See also
    • Key Terms
    • Review Questions
    • Discussion Questions
  • Section 4. Interpretation
    • Introduction
    • DNA—Statistical Probability
      • Introduction
      • Probability
      • Laws of Probability
      • Bayes' Theorem
      • Forensic Probabilities
      • DNA LRs
      • Nature of DNA Profiles
      • Dependent Profiles
      • Effect of Relatives
      • Effect of Population Structure
      • Database Searches
      • Within-Database Comparisons
      • Cold-Hit Interpretation
      • Familial Searching
      • Conclusion
    • Significance
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • A Brief Summary of Approaches to Estimating the Significance of DNA Evidence
      • Practical Application of Estimates of the Significance of DNA Evidence
      • See also
    • The Frequentist Approach to Forensic Evidence Interpretation
      • Glossary
      • Example
      • Range Tests
      • Formal Hypothesis Tests
      • Significance Levels and Small or Big Values
      • The Two-Sample t Test
      • Confidence Intervals
      • Controversies and Issues
      • See also
    • Statistical Interpretation of Evidence: Bayesian Analysis
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Bayes' Rule
      • The Value of Evidence
      • Categorical Data and Discrete Hypotheses
      • Continuous Data and Discrete Hypotheses
      • Principles of Evidence Evaluation
      • Interpretation
      • Pitfalls of Intuition
      • See also
    • Parentage Testing and Kinship Analysis
      • Glossary
      • History of Parentage Testing
      • Technical Considerations
      • The Methods Used in Parentage Testing
      • Analysis of the Typical Parentage Trio
      • Cases Lacking a Known Parent
      • Special Types of DNA Testing
      • Mutations and How to Deal with Them
      • Future Considerations
      • See also
    • Mixture Interpretation (Interpretation of Mixed DNA Profiles with STRs Only)
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Determining the Number of Contributors
      • Determining a Ratio of Contributors
      • Alleles below the Stochastic Threshold
      • Alleles above the Stochastic Threshold
      • Loci without Unambiguous Minor Alleles
      • Indistinguishable from Stutter
      • Interpretations That Utilize the Assumption of an Individual Being Intimate to the Sample
      • Mixture Deconvolution
      • Probative Comparisons
      • Future Considerations for DNA Mixture Interpretation
      • See also
    • Ancestry Informative Markers
      • Glossary
      • The First Forensic Ancestry Informative Markers: Early Use of Ancestry Informative Protein Polymorphisms Demonstrated Their Value for Investigations
      • Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Variation
      • Points of Reference: Defining Populations or Ancestries, Ancestry Informativeness Metrics, Types of Autosomal AIMs, and Population Diversity Reference Panels
      • Autosomal AIM-SNPs
      • Indels
      • Short Tandem Repeats
      • Statistical Analysis of AIM Genotype Data
      • Developments on the Horizon: Expanding Human SNP Catalogs, Combining Marker Types, Further Differentiation of Continental Population Groups, and X-Chromosome Markers
      • See also
    • Forensic DNA Phenotyping: DNA Testing for Externally Visible Characteristics
      • Definition, Motivation, and Principle
      • The Proof-of-Principle: Eye Color Prediction from DNA
      • Additional Appearance Traits with Emerging Genetic and Predictive Knowledge
      • Outlook: The Near and Distant Future of FDP
      • See also
    • Bayesian Networks
      • Introduction
      • Bayesian Networks
      • Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Inference in Forensic Science
      • Conclusions
      • See also
    • Key Terms
    • Review Questions
    • Discussion Questions
  • Section 5. Professional Issues
    • Introduction
    • Crime Scene to Court
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Task
      • Models
      • Forensic Strategies
      • Integrated Case Management
      • Summary
      • See also
    • Forensic Laboratory Reports
      • Contents of a Report—A “Science” Standard
      • Contents of Report: Legal Standards
      • Reports: Stand-alone Evidence or Support for a Testifying Expert
      • Ethical Considerations and Forensic Reports
      • Conclusion
      • See also
    • Health and Safety
      • Glossary
      • Occupational Health and Safety Policy
      • Specific Laboratory Hazards
      • Hazards in the Field
      • See also
    • Accreditation in Forensic DNA Analysis
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Accreditation or Certification?
      • A Short Guide to Accreditation for ISO/IEC 17025
      • See also
    • Measurement Uncertainty
      • Glossary
      • Measurement
      • Measurement to Meaning
      • Measurement Uncertainty
      • Meaning Requires Uncertainty
      • See also
    • The Innocence Project
      • Overview of the Innocence Project and Innocence Network
      • History
      • The Educational Mission
      • The Policy Mission
      • See also
    • DNA Exonerations
      • Glossary
      • Discovery of Wrongful Convictions through DNA Testing
      • Emergence of DNA as a Forensic Tool
      • Preservation of and Access to DNA Evidence
      • DNA Exonerations Today
      • See also
    • DNA Databases
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • Criteria for the Inclusion of DNA Profiles in National DNA Databases
      • Genetic Typing Systems
      • Privacy Rights, Ethical Considerations, and New Directions
      • See also
    • The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
      • Introduction
      • See also
    • Disaster Victim Identification
      • Introduction
      • Management of Disaster Victim Identification
      • Principles of Identification
      • Methods of Identification
      • Evaluation of Identification Data
      • Conclusions
      • See also
    • Forensic DNA Advisory Groups: DAB, SWGDAM, ENFSI, and BSAG
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • The United States
      • Europe
      • Australia/New Zealand
      • Asia
      • International Cooperation and Coordination
      • See also
    • Forensic Laboratory Efficiency and Funding
      • Glossary
      • General
      • Method
      • Discussion
      • Conclusion
      • See also
    • Internet Accessible Population Databases: YHRD and EMPOP
      • Glossary
      • Introduction to the Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Database Projects
      • Haplotype Sampling
      • The Quality Assessment Scheme of YHRD and EMPOP
      • The Tool Boxes of YHRD and EMPOP
      • See also
    • History of the International Society for Forensic Genetics—ISFG
      • Executive Board of the ISFG
      • Honorary Members
      • Membership
      • The Biannual ISFG Congresses
      • Proceedings of the ISFG Congresses
      • Scientific ISFG Prizes
      • The Language-Based Working Parties
      • The DNA Commission
      • The European DNA Profiling Group
      • Compliance with Statutes
      • See also
    • Key Terms
    • Review Questions
    • Discussion Questions
  • Section 6. Additional Topics
    • Introduction
    • Future Analytical Techniques: DNA Mass Spectrometry
      • Glossary
      • Background
      • Mass Spectrometric Methods in Forensic Genetics
      • MS-Based Genotypes and Haplotypes to Aid Forensic Analysis
      • Conclusions and Future Directions
      • See also
    • Introduction to Nonhuman DNA Typing
      • Glossary
      • Animal DNA Typing
      • Plant DNA Typing
      • Insect DNA Typing
      • Microbial DNA Typing from Soil Samples
      • See also
    • Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • NGS Technologies
      • Targeted Enrichment
      • Applications in Forensic Sciences
      • See also
    • Laboratory Automation and LIMS in Forensics
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • What is a Laboratory Information Management System
      • General Benefits of Laboratory Automation and LIMS
      • Selection of an ALH
      • General Differences between ALHs
      • Automation of Laboratory Processes
      • LIMS Support/Integration
      • Bar Codes
      • Tubes versus Microtiter Plates
      • Validation of Automated Systems and Laboratory Processes
      • What Is Validation
      • Validation Process
      • Script Design
      • Worktable Layout
      • Volume Verification
      • Fluorescence
      • Absorbance
      • Gravimetric
      • Input/Output Files
      • Validation Strategy
      • Modular Testing
      • Holistic Testing
      • Contamination Testing
      • Accuracy and Precision
      • Sensitivity and Stochastic Studies
      • Operation and Maintenance of Automated Instruments in Forensic Environments
      • Shared Components of Validated Scripts
      • Instrument Software and Script Updates
      • Change Strategy
      • Software Updates
      • Script Updates
      • Firmware Upgrade
      • Maintenance
      • Summary
      • See also
    • DNA and Endangered Species
      • Glossary
      • Introduction
      • DNA Analysis Methods
      • Validation of the DNA Identification Methods
      • Conclusions
      • See also
    • Key Terms
    • Review Questions
    • Discussion Questions
  • Index
Book details
ISBN: 9780128006474
Page Count: 406
Retail Price : £73.99
  • Haag, Shooting Incident Reconstruction 2e, 9780123822413, Jun 2011, $99.95
  • Vanderkolk, Forensic Comparative Science, 9780123735829, Jul 2009, $98.95

Graduate level students and educators, as well as entry level professionals