Introductory Experiments on Biomolecules and their Interactions,
Edition 1
By Robert K. Delong and Qiongqiong Zhou

Publication Date: 27 Mar 2015

Introductory Experiments on Biomolecules and their Interactions provides a novel approach to teaching biomolecules in the lab. While featuring the requisite fundamentals, it also captures the author’s experience in industry, thus providing unique, up-to-date experiments which take the learning experience one-step further.

The text parallels lectures using a standard biochemistry undergraduate text. Unlike most current lab manuals available in the market which simply emphasize an introduction of techniques, this lab manual provides students with opportunities to demonstrate and prove the knowledge and theories they learn from class.

Key Features

  • Features quantitative analysis of RNA degradation by RNase
  • Contains problem sets, calculations, and references for each lab fully immersing students in the learning process
  • Includes instruction on how to maintain a lab notebook and write a formal lab report
  • Provides hands-on engagement with the four major types of biomolecules and “real-life and better applied¿ examples of molecular interactions
About the author
By Robert K. Delong, Nanotechnology Innovation Center, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA and Qiongqiong Zhou, Biomedical Sciences, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, USA
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • About the Authors
  • Master Materials List
  • Format of the Lab Notebook and Formal Lab Report
  • Lab Safety and Policies
  • Experiment 1. An Introduction to Basic Math and Operations in the Biomolecular Laboratory
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Technical Review
    • Equipment Highlight
    • Experiment 1
    • Methods and Procedure
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 2. Preparing Buffers at a Specific Molarity and pH
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Technical Review
    • Equipment Highlight
    • Experiment 2
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 3. Investigating the Physico-Chemical Properties of Amino Acids and Their Analysis by Thin Layer Chromatography
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Technical Review
    • Equipment Highlight
    • Experiment 3
    • Methods and Procedure
    • Results and Observations
    • Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 4. Rapid Purification, Gel Electrophoresis, and Enzyme Activity Assay of the Luciferase Enzyme from Fireflies
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Technical Review and Equipment Highlights
    • Experiment 4
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 5. Hexokinase and G6PDH Catalyzed Reactions of Glucose Measurement
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Technical Review
    • Equipment Highlight
    • Experiment 5
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 6. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Technical Review
    • Experiment 6
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 7. Investigating Protein:Nucleic Acid Interactions by Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Equipment Highlights
    • Experiment 7
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 8. Qualitative Analysis of the Degradation of RNA via Ribonuclease A versus B
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Experiment 8
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 9. Preparation of a Fluorescently Labeled Liposome and Its Analysis by Fluorescence Microscopy
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Experiment 9
    • Results and Discussion
    • Problem Set
  • Experiment 10. Studying Cell-like Structures with Liposome, DNA, and Protein
    • Safety and Hazards
    • Introduction
    • Experiment 10
    • Methods and Procedures
    • Results and Discussion
    • Additional Experiment
  • Index
Book details
ISBN: 9780128009697
Page Count: 126
Retail Price : £36.99
  • Litwack, Human Biochemistry, 9780123838643, Jan 2016, $135.00
  • Bhagavan, Essentials of Medical Biochemistry with Clinical Cases, 2nd edition, 9780124166875, Jun 2015, $99.95
  • Gomperts, Signal Transduction, 2nd edition, 9780123694416, 576 pages, Aug 2009, $92.95
  • Carson, Molecular Biology Techniques, 3rd edition, 9780123855442, 232 pages, Nov 2011, $49.98

Undergraduate and graduate students studying biology, biochemistry, chemistry and biotechnology

M Misan Nikatsekpe
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