Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,
Edition 2
Scientific and Professional Dimensions
By Julian D Ford, Damion J. Grasso, Jon D. Elhai and Christine A. Courtois
Publication Date:
06 Aug 2015
This comprehensive overview of research and clinical practice in PTSD includes new insights into assessment with regard to DSM-5 and ICD-11, discussion of ongoing controversies in the field as to what constitutes safe and effective care, and new research as to assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of PTSD. The second edition includes new coverage of the neurobiology of PTSD, PTSD in special populations, and forensic issues relating to PTSD.
Key Features
- Synthesizes research and clinical developments on PTSD
- Highlights key controversies, issues, and developments in the field
- Provides case studies for better understanding of clinical care
- Encompasses DSM-5 and ICD-11 major revisions to PTSD symptoms
- Includes new coverage of neurobiology and genetics of PTSD
- Includes advances in prevention and treatment of PTSD
- Includes new coverage of forensic issues related to PTSD
- Preface
- References
- 1. Understanding psychological trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- “Is there a life after trauma?”: The case of Marian M.
- References
- 2. The impact of psychological trauma
- When the other shoe falls: What makes stressful events traumatic?
- In the beginning: acute traumatic stress reactions and acute stress disorder
- Life after trauma: Positive and problematic trajectories of adaptation
- Research on the impact of traumatic stress on the course of people’s lives
- References
- 3. Etiology of PTSD: What causes PTSD?
- Understanding etiology: causes? Or risk and protective factors?
- Causal risk factors for PTSD
- Degree or severity of exposure to traumatic stressor(s)
- Preexisting psychiatric disorders
- Potential genetic or biological causal risk factors
- Cognitive processing capacities
- Potential risk factors for exposure to traumatic stressors
- Vulnerability factors for PTSD
- Outcome risk factors
- Protective factors
- Conclusion
- References
- 4. Epidemiology of PTSD
- Epidemiology of exposure to traumatic stressors
- Epidemiology of PTSD
- Comorbid psychiatric and medical disorders
- Ethnocultural and socioeconomic background and the epidemiology of PTSD
- References
- 5. Neurobiology of traumatic stress disorders and their impact on physical health
- Alterations in the body’s stress response systems in PTSD
- Alterations in brain structure, functioning, and chemistry in PTSD
- Genetics and PTSD
- PTSD and physical health problems and medical illness
- Conclusion
- References
- 6. Assessment of psychological trauma and PTSD
- Scientific criteria for PTSD assessment
- Clinical issues in PTSD assessment: 1. Assessing trauma history
- Assessing past exposure to traumatic stressors (trauma history)
- Trauma history measures
- Assessment of PTSD: identifying symptoms and confirming the diagnosis
- PTSD assessment with children
- PTSD symptom and diagnosis measures
- Assessment of psychiatric problems commonly comorbid with PTSD
- Assessment of posttraumatic dysregulation
- Screening for PTSD
- Conclusion
- References
- 7. Treatment of adults with PTSD
- Best practice principles in the treatment of PTSD
- PTSD treatment: practical issues
- Evidence-based treatments for PTSD
- Hypnosis and hypnotherapy for PTSD
- Psychodynamic therapies for PTSD
- Body-focused psychotherapy for PTSD
- Conclusion
- References
- 8. Treatment of children and adolescents with PTSD
- Evidence-based and empirically informed psychotherapy models for children with PTSD
- Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy
- Emerging evidence-based psychotherapies for children and youth with PTSD
- Prolonged Exposure Therapy
- Cognitive Processing Therapy
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
- Trauma and Grief Components Therapy for Adolescents
- KID Narrative Exposure Therapy
- Seeking Safety
- Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma In Schools
- ERASE-Stress
- Child-Parent Psychotherapy
- Other empirically based psychotherapy models for adolescents with PTSD
- Pharmacotherapy for children with PTSD
- Creative arts therapies
- Real-world challenges in treating children with PTSD
- Conclusion
- References
- 9. Prevention of PTSD
- Overview of biopsychosocial approaches to prevention
- Theoretical foundations and principles of PTSD prevention
- PTSD prevention interventions
- Conclusion
- References
- 10. Forensic issues in the traumatic stress field
- Forensic mental health roles for traumatic stress professionals
- Child welfare service and CPS
- Family law courts
- Juvenile justice system
- Adult criminal justice system
- References
- 11. Social, cultural, and other diversity issues in the traumatic stress field
- The role of gender, ethnicity, culture, and social resources in PTSD
- Discrimination due to gender or sexual orientation and PTSD
- Physical and developmental disabilities and PTSD
- Poverty, psychological trauma, and PTSD
- Victims of political repression, genocide (“ethnic cleansing”), and torture
- Refugee survivors of political violence and catastrophic disasters
- Programs addressing the social and political aspects of catastrophic traumatic stressors
- Conclusion
- References
- 12. Careers and ethical issues in the traumatic stress field
- Careers in the traumatic stress field: 1. The research scientist
- Careers in the traumatic stress field: 2. The clinician practitioner
- Careers in the traumatic stress field: 3. The scientist practitioner
- Careers in the traumatic stress field: 4. The health services researcher
- Careers in the traumatic stress field: 5. The educator
- Careers in the traumatic stress field: 6. The program director
- Ethical issues in PTSD research and treatment
- References
- Afterword
- References
- Index
Page Count: 618
Retail Price
- Johnson, Therapist’s Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 2009, 9780123748515 $60.95
- Pratt, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 3e, 2013, 9780123870025, $69.95
Clinical psychologists
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