New Edition
System Dynamics for Engineering Students,
Edition 2
Concepts and Applications
By Nicolae Lobontiu
Publication Date:
31 Aug 2017
Engineering system dynamics focuses on deriving mathematical models based on simplified physical representations of actual systems, such as mechanical, electrical, fluid, or thermal, and on solving these models for analysis or design purposes. System Dynamics for Engineering Students: Concepts and Applications features a classical approach to system dynamics and is designed to be utilized as a one-semester system dynamics text for upper-level undergraduate students with emphasis on mechanical, aerospace, or electrical engineering. It is the first system dynamics textbook to include examples from compliant (flexible) mechanisms and micro/nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). This new second edition has been updated to provide more balance between analytical and computational approaches; introduces additional in-text coverage of Controls; and includes numerous fully solved examples and exercises.
Key Features
- Features a more balanced treatment of mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermal systems than other texts
- Introduces examples from compliant (flexible) mechanisms and MEMS/NEMS
- Includes a chapter on coupled-field systems
- Incorporates MATLAB® and Simulink® computational software tools throughout the book
- Supplements the text with extensive instructor support available online: instructor's solution manual, image bank, and PowerPoint lecture slides
- Provides more balance between analytical and computational approaches, including integration of Lagrangian equations as another modelling technique of dynamic systems
- Includes additional in-text coverage of Controls, to meet the needs of schools that cover both controls and system dynamics in the course
- Features a broader range of applications, including additional applications in pneumatic and hydraulic systems, and new applications in aerospace, automotive, and bioengineering systems, making the book even more appealing to mechanical engineers
- Updates include new and revised examples and end-of-chapter exercises with a wider variety of engineering applications
1. Introduction2. Mechanical Elements3. Mechanical Systems4. Electrical Systems5. Fluid and Thermal Systems6. The Laplace Transform7. Transfer Function Approach8. State Space Approach9. Frequency-Domain Approach10. Coupled-Field Systems11. Block Diagrams and Feedback Control System Modeling12. Stability of Feedback Control Systems13. Time- and Frequency-Domain Controls of Feedback SystemsAppendix A Complex NumbersAppendix B Matrix AlgebraAppendix C Solutions to Linear Homogeneous Ordinary Differential Equations with Constant CoefficientsAppendix D Basics of SimulinkAppendix E Essentials of MATLAB and System Dynamics-Related ToolboxesAppendix F Deformations, Strains, and Stresses of Basic Line Mechanical Members
Page Count: 786
9780131424623; 9780750678704; 9780073529271
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Junior and senior undergraduate students in mechanical, electrical and aerospace engineering programs
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