Case Studies in Disaster Recovery,
Edition 1 A Volume in the Disaster and Emergency Management: Case Studies in Adaptation and Innovation Series
Jane Kushma

Publication Date: 05 Dec 2022

Case Studies in Disaster Recovery, the initial release in the Disaster and Emergency Management: Case Studies in Adaptation and Innovation series, explores recovery from a number of perspectives: household, community and nation. Chapters cover the concept of social vulnerability to explain/predict recovery outcomes, consider broader themes of sustainability, assess community vulnerability and capacity, and explore the challenges associated with long-term recovery and disaster case management. Cases explored illustrate the ways in which communities and governments used the window of opportunity after a disaster to make changes that reduce future risk and vulnerability. Included cases illustrate the diversity of change realized in communities following disasters.

Key Features

  • Presents in-depth cases studies in disaster recovery - a phase of disaster management
  • Unites practice and research from multiple disciplines to highlight the complexity of disasters mitigation, including environmental and earth sciences, engineering, public health, geography, sociology and anthropology
  • Examines policy and ethical dilemmas faced by decision-makers in disaster situations
About the author
Jane Kushma, Professor of Emergency Management and Director of the Doctoral Program, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama, USA
Book details
ISBN: 9780128095744
Page Count: 272
Retail Price : £62.99

9780124201347; 9780128014776; 9780128002278


Researchers in disaster and emergency management, secondary audience as supplemental text in graduate courses in disaster and emergency management