The Geology of the Canary Islands,
Edition 1
By Valentin R. Troll and Juan Carlos Carracedo

Publication Date: 10 Jun 2016

The Geology of the Canary Islands provides a concise overview of the geology and volcanology of the Canary Islands, along with 27 carefully planned day excursions comprising trips on all of the islands. Each stop includes a description on how to approach a site and where to park with GPS locations provided.

The book covers all the spectacular features of the islands, including active ocean island volcanoes whose origins are linked to a hot spot or plume causing anomalously hot mantle material to intrude the African plate, submarine volcanic sequences uplifted inside the islands, sub- aerial shield volcanoes, and the remains of giant lateral collapses.

Through its clearly written and richly color-illustrated introduction and field guide, this book is essential reading for geologists who visit the Canary Islands, one of the largest and most fascinating active volcanic systems in Europe.

Key Features

  • Includes a forward by Prof. C. J. Stillman (Trinity College Dublin), a leading expert on the volcanology and geology of the Canary Islands
  • Features 500 full color images, coupled with in-depth introductory text and a chapter on each island, followed by 27 guided excursions that include all of the seven islands of the archipelago
  • Familiarizes the reader with the variety of volcanic landforms and eruptive products in the Canary Islands and provides practical support in recognition, recording, and interpretation
  • Develops understanding of growth, evolution, and destruction of ocean island volcanoes, promoting temporal and spatial thinking within a given geological framework
About the author
By Valentin R. Troll, Professor of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden and Juan Carlos Carracedo, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1. The Canary Islands: An Introduction
    • Abstract
    • The Canary Islands
    • The Pre-Canaries Geological Setting; Creation of Oceanic Crust and the Opening of the Central Atlantic
    • The Canary Volcanic Province
    • Genesis of the Canary Volcanic Provinces
    • Volcanic Growth Versus Gravitational Subsidence in the Canary Islands
    • Island Growth Stages in the Canaries
    • Constructive Processes that Build Volcanoes: Positive Volcanic Landforms
    • Monogenetic Volcanoes
    • Negative Volcanic Landforms
    • The Island of “La Canaria”
  • Chapter 2. The Geology of El Hierro
    • Abstract
    • The Island of El Hierro
    • The SUBMARINE Edifice
    • Age of Volcanism: Radiometric Ages and Geomagnetic Reversals
    • Main Stratigraphic Units
    • Tiñor Volcano
    • El Golfo Volcano
    • Recent Rift Volcanism
    • Compositional Variation
    • Main Structural Elements of El Hierro
    • Rift Zones
    • The Giant Landslides of El Hierro
    • Tiñor Lateral Collapse
    • El Julan Landslide
    • Las Playas Landslide and the San Andrés Fault
    • The El Golfo Giant Collapse
    • Recent Volcanism on El Hierro
    • Prehistoric Eruptions
    • Historic Eruptions: The 2011 SubMarine Eruption
    • Geological Routes
  • Chapter 3. The Geology of La Palma
    • Abstract
    • The Island of La Palma
    • Radiometric Ages and Geomagnetic Reversals
    • Composition of Erupted Rock Suites
    • General Stratigraphy
    • Prehistoric Eruptions
    • Historical Eruptions
    • Rock Composition of Historical Lavas
    • Geological Routes
  • Chapter 4. The Geology of La Gomera
    • Abstract
    • The Island of La Gomera
    • The Submarine Edifice of La Gomera
    • The Emerged Edifice of La Gomera
    • Age and Palaeomagnetism of the Rocks on La Gomera
    • Stages of Construction and Main Volcanic Units of La Gomera
    • The Miocene Basaltic Shield
    • Dykes and Domes
    • Geological Routes
  • Chapter 5. The Geology of Tenerife
    • Abstract
    • The Island of Tenerife
    • Main Geomorphological Features of Tenerife
    • General Stratigraphy of Tenerife
    • The Mio-Pliocene Shield Volcanoes
    • Central Explosive Volcanism: The Las Cañadas Volcano
    • The Southwest Sector of the Bandas del Sur (Adeje)
    • The SE Sector of Bandas del Sur (Abona)
    • The Diego Hernández Formation
    • Extracaldera Felsic Eruptions
    • Rift Zones on Tenerife
    • The Northeast Rift Zone
    • The Northwest Dorsal Ridge
    • Giant Collapses on Tenerife
    • Las Cañadas Caldera: Vertical Collapse Versus Giant Landslide
    • The 735-ka Abona Giant Landslide
    • Giant Landslides and Magmatic Variability
    • The Teide Volcanic Complex
    • The Central Stratocones: Teide and Pico Viejo
    • Teide’s Peripheral Phonolitic Lava Domes
    • Recent Volcanism on Tenerife
    • Historical Eruptions on Tenerife
    • Rock Composition and Variations
    • The Climate of Tenerife
    • Geological Routes
  • Chapter 6. The Geology of Gran Canaria
    • Abstract
    • The Island of Gran Canaria
    • The Submarine (Seamount) Stage of Gran Canaria
    • The Subaerial Growth of Gran Canaria
    • Age of Gran Canaria Volcanism
    • Miocene Shield Basalts
    • Miocene Felsic Rocks
    • The Mogán and Fataga Groups
    • The Tejeda Collapse Caldera
    • Intracaldera Intrusives: The Tejeda Formation
    • Volcanic Quiescence and Sedimentation
    • Pliocene to Quarternary Rejuvenation Volcanism
    • The Roque Nublo Group
    • Roque Nublo Intrusive Facies
    • Post-Roque Nublo Volcanism, the Latest Constructional Phase of Gran Canaria
    • Recent (Quaternary) Volcanism
    • The 1970 BP Bandama Explosive Eruption
    • A Volcanic History of Gran Canaria
    • Giant Landslides and Magmatic Variability
    • The Tirajana Multi-slide Caldera
    • The Rosiana Slump
    • Sedimentary Formations
    • Rock Composition and Variations
    • Geological Routes on Gran Canaria
    • Logistics on Gran Canaria
  • Chapter 7. The Geology of Lanzarote
    • Abstract
    • The Island of Lanzarote
    • The 1730–36 Lanzarote Eruption
    • The 1824 Lanzarote Eruption
    • Phreatomagmatism on Lanzarote
    • The Climate of Lanzarote
    • Geological Routes
  • Chapter 8. The Geology of Fuerteventura
    • Abstract
    • The Island of Fuerteventura
    • Main Geomorphological Features
    • Geological Structure and Volcanic Stratigraphy
    • The Subaerial Growth of Fuerteventura
    • Rock Composition
    • Young Sedimentary Formations
    • Raised Beaches
    • Geological Routes
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Index
Book details
ISBN: 9780128096635
Page Count: 636
Retail Price : £70.99
  • Yang, Reflection Seismology, 2013, 260pp, 9780124095380, $129.95
  • Papale, Volcanic Hazards, Risks and Disasters, Nov 2014, 506pp, 9780123964533, $150.00
  • Wyss, Earthquake Hazard, Risk, and Disasters, 2014, 600pp, 9780123948489, $150.00

Geologists and geology students, Volcanologists, Geophysicists and Geochemists.