Introduction to Addiction,
Edition 1
Addiction, Animal Models, and Theories
By George F. Koob, Michael A. Arends, BS, Mandy L McCracken and Michel Le Moal
Publication Date:
12 Jun 2019
Introduction to Addiction, Volume One in the series, introduces the reader to the study of neurobiology of addiction by clearly defining addiction and its neuroadaptational views. This volume includes thorough descriptions of the various animal models applicable to the study of addiction, including Animal Models of the Binge-Intoxication Stage of the Addiction Cycle and Animal Models of Vulnerability to Addiction. The book's authors also include a section on numerous neurobiological theories that aid in the understanding of addiction, including dopamine, prefrontal cortex and relapse.
Key Features
- Provides neurobiological theories on how addiction works
- Explains addiction cycle stages of binge, withdrawal and anticipation
- Reviews the role of dopamine and the frontal cortex in addiction
- Discusses the neurocircuitry of reward and stress
- Includes animal models and neuroadaptational views on addiction
Page Count: 278
Retail Price
- Essau, Adolescent Addiction, 9780123736253, Feb 2008, 344, $49.99
- Koob, Arends and Le Moal, Drugs, Addiction, and the Brain, 9780123869371, Jul 2014, 350pp, $73.99
- Cui, Neurobiology of Alcohol Dependence, 9780124059412, May 2014, 566pp, $104.00
Primary: Researchers and graduate students in neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry, and addiction medicine. Table of Contents: See BelowKEYWORDS: Addiction, neurobiology, psychostimulants, neuropsychopharmacology, drug addiction, addiction medicine, alcohol addiction, animal models,/Introduction to Neurobiology of Addiction*Volume 1 from the Neurobiology of Addiction SeriesAn introductory volume to the neurobiological theories of addiction. AUTHOR INFORMATIONGeorge Koob, PhDNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of HealthDr. Koob is an internationally-recognized expert on alcohol and stress, and the neurobiology of alcohol and drug addiction. He is the Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), overseeing a broad portfolio of alcohol research ranging from basic science to epidemiology, diagnostics, prevention, and treatment. Dr. Koob earned his doctorate in Behavioral Physiology from Johns Hopkins University in 1972. Prior to taking the helm at NIAAA, he served as Professor and Chair of the Scripps’ Committee on the Neurobiology of Addictive Disorders and Director of the Alcohol Research Center at the Scripps Research Institute. Early in his career, Dr. Koob conducted research in the Department of Neurophysiology at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and in the Arthur Vining Davis Center for Behavioral Neurobiology at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. He was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Experimental Psychology and the MRC Neuropharmacology Unit at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Koob began his career investigating the neurobiology of emotion, particularly how the brain processes reward and stress. He subsequently applied basic research on emotions, including on the anatomical and neurochemical underpinnings of emotional function, to alcohol and drug addiction, significantly broadening knowledge of the adaptations within reward and stress neurocircuits that lead to addiction. Dr. Koob has authored more than 650 peer-reviewed scientific papers and is a co-author of The Neurobiology of Addiction.Michael Arends, PhDDepartment of Neuroscience, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USAMichael A. Arends, B.S., received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California, San Diego. He is currently a Senior Research Assistant in the Committee on the Neurobiology of Addictive Disorders at The Scripps Research Institute and has worked in the field of the neurobiology of drug addiction for 20 years. He is Managing Editor for the journals Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior and Journal of Addiction Medicine. He has been acknowledged for his editorial and research assistance in over 450 scientific publications, including books, book chapters, and journal articles.Michel Le Moal , MDUniversity of Bordeaux and Neurocentre Magendie Inserm U862, Bordeaux, France Michel Le Moal, is Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience at the University of Bordeaux, France. He graduated in Medicine (1962) in Philosophy-Sociology and Natural Science and then Neurology (1967) and Psychiatry (1968). He completed a Doctoral in Science at the University of Bordeaux in 1974. In parallel with his academic life in Bordeaux, he spent time as an Associate Researcher and Professor at Caltech (1974) and at The Salk Institute and The Scripps Research Institute. At both institutions, he worked on dopamine neuron electrophysiology and investigated the roles of brain CRF and dopamine systems in behavior and drug addiction. He research interests concern behavior and adaptive processes, their biological foundations, and experimental psychopathology, a discipline he promoted. The concept of individual vulnerability to behavioral pathologies has been at the center of his working hypothesis. Dr. Le Moal has been the founder and director of several research laboratories at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale and finally the Magendie Institute for Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry in Bordeaux, France. He is an elected Fellow of the French National Academy of Sciences. Mandy McCracken, Ph.D.Dr. McCracken is a senior post-doctoral fellow at the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Bethesda, Maryland. She graduated with Honors in Biology and Psychology from The University of Texas at Austin and then earned a Ph. D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the College of Pharmacy at The University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests focus on molecular neurobiological mechanisms involved in neuroadaptations to drugs of abuse including opioids and alcohol. She has identified key sites on GABA-A receptors and glycine receptors important for the neuronal actions of alcohol. She has extensive experience in teaching as an Assistant Instructor with Dr. R. Adron Harris for the course Neurobiology of Addiction at The University of Texas at Austin.WHY SHOULD WE PUBLISH THIS WORK?Deep Vertical: NeuroscienceStrategic Fit: Cognitive Neuroscience; this book supports our strategy by providing core foundational content in a key area of cognitive neuroscience researchAuthor h-index: Koob: 140; Arends: 4; LeMoal: 9; McCracken: 6SciVal Data: CAGR: 5.23%; scholarly output: 1,009 total; FWCI: 1.48 overall (based on “Cognitive Behavior¿ and “Addiction¿ limited to “neuroscience,¿ 2012–2016)//WHAT PROBLEM DOES THIS BOOK SOLVE?The impact of addictive disorders on our society is irrefutable, one out of every eight Americans has a significant substance abuse problem and the estimated annual direct cost resulting from this fact is more than 250 billion dollars. By clearly defining the neuroadaptational views of addiction, providing clear descriptions of animal models and outlining neurobiological theories used in addiction research Introduction to Neurobiology of Addiction hopes to further the study of addiction leading to advances in treatment of patients with addiction. CLUSTER POTENTIALAVERAGE USAGE2015S&T Books1,193Neuroscience1,856 Essau, Adolescent Addiction, 9780123736253, February 2008, 6x9, 344pp, HC, 1/c, $72.95, LOE sales: $70,762 ($3,408 electronic), 1,541 print/Koob/Arends/Le Moal, Drugs, Addiction, and the Brain, 9780123869371, July 2014, 7.5x9.25, 350pp, HC, 4/c, $99.95, LOE sales: $114,241 ($30,856 electronic), 1,177 print/Cui, Neurobiology of Alcohol Dependence, 9780124059412, May 2014, 8.5x11, 568pp, HC, 4/c, $150.00, LOE sales: $34,432 ($24,887 electronic), 102 print/Miller, Principles of Addiction: Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1, 9780123983367, February 2013, 8x11,960pp, HC, 4/c, $199.95, LOE sales: $50,515 ($23,200 electronic), 244 printMadras and Kuhar, The Effects of Drug Abuse on the Human Nervous System, 9780124186798, December 2013, 7.5x9.25, 624pp, HC, 4/c, $175.00, LOE sales: $32,578 ($15,163 electronic), 170 print/KEY COMPETITIVE TITLES Wilson (Ed), The Wiley Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Addiction, 9781118472248, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015, 7.5x9.25, 552pp, $195.00 (hardcover)Emphasises the most commonly investigated drugs of abuse, including alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, and opiates, however, the text lacks other behavioral addictions such as gambling and internet. Details cognitive and affective methods for treating addiction disordersSwann/Moeller/Lijffijt (Ed), Neurobiology of Addictions, 9780199367894, Oxford, 2016, 9x7, 376pp, $84.00 (paperback)Written by practicing medical physicians as a practical tool for clinicians and researchers. Focuses on treatment and preventionRobbins/Everitt/Nutt (Eds), Neurobiology of Addiction, 9780199562152, Oxford University Press, 2010, 7x10, 320pp, $90.00 (hardcover)Focuses on the brain processes underlying addictionNot limited to addictive substances but also includes coverage of behavioural addictionsPublication date of 2010 means content is already starting to ageEND USER KEY FEATURESProvides neurobiological theories of how addiction worksExplains addiction cycle stages of binge, withdrawal, and anticipationReviews the role of dopamine and the frontal cortex in addictionDiscusses the neurocircuitry of reward and stressIncludes animal models and neuroadaptational views of addictionEND USER BOOK DESCRIPTIONA current survey and synthesis of the most important findings in our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms of addiction is detailed in our Neurobiology of Addiction series, each volume addressing a specific area of addiction. Introduction to Neurobiology of Addiction, Volume 1 in the series, introduces the reader to the study of neurobiology of addiction by clearly defining addiction and the neuroadaptational views of addiction. This volume includes thorough descriptions of the various animal models applicable to the study of addiction, including: Animal Models of the Binge-Intoxication Stage of the Addiction Cycle and Animal Models of Vulnerability to Addiction. The authors also include a section on numerous neurobiological theories that aid in the understanding of addiction, including dopamine, prefrontal cortex and relapse.SERIES VOLUMESSection 1: WHAT IS ADDICTION?Chapter 1: Definitions of AddictionChapter 2: Neuroadaptational Views of AddictionChapter 3: Neuroadaptational SummaryChapter 4: SummarySection 2. ANIMAL MODELSChapter 4: Definitions and Validation of Animal ModelsChapter 5: Animal Models of the Binge-Intoxication Stage of the Addiction CycleChapter 6: Animal Models of the Withdrawal/Negative Affect Stage of the Addiction CycleChapter 7: Animal Models of the Preoccupation/Anticipation Stage of the Addiction CycleChapter 8: Animal Models of Vulnerability to AddictionChapter 7: SummarySection 3: NEUROBIOLOGICAL THEORIESChapter 8: Neurocircuitry Hypotheses of Addiction—DopamineChapter 9: Neurocircuitry Theories of Addiction—Frontal CortexChapter 10: Neurocircuitry Theories of Addiction—RelapseChapter 11: Neurocircuitry Theories of Addiction—Reward and StressChapter 12: Cellular Hypotheses of AddictionChapter 13: Molecular Hypotheses of AddictionChapter 14: Synthesis: Common Elements of Most Neurobiological Models of AddictionREVIEWER COMMENTSReviewer 1BlumeRecommendReviewer 2FarrellRecommendReviewer 3SucklingRecommendReviewer 1: Art Blume, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, Washington State University, Vancouver, WA, USAReviewer 2: Michael Farrell, PhD, Professor, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, AustraliaReviewer 3: John Suckling, PhD, Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UKHow does your background relate to the content of this publication? Do you actively work, conduct research, and/or teach in this area? Reviewer #1: My professional activities are in some ways directly related (section A) but mostly indirectly (rest of volume) related to the content of the proposal. I am a clinical scientist who understands the importance of having a working knowledge of neurobiology concerning addictive processes and treatment. Translated knowledge from neurobiology has significant implications for clinical research and treatment. I am a fellow of Division 50 of the American Psychological Association (Addictive Behaviors).Reviewer #2: I was Professor of Addiction Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London. I have extensive research interests including treatment evaluation, including the development of the National Treatment Outcomes Profile, a brief outcomes measurement instrument for drug and alcohol dependence. He has a long standing interest in drug dependence in prisons and within the wider criminal justice system. I am a member of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug and Alcohol Dependence since 1995 and chaired the WHO External Evaluation of the Swiss Heroin Trial. Reviewer #3: I am Professor of Psychiatric Neuroimaging at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge. My primary research focus is delivering neuroimaging solutions for the understanding of a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including addiction which is an active research area of the Department. I have worked on small scale experimental medicine studies in addiction with pharmaceutical companies as well as on large-scale studies that were publicly funded. I have authored peer-reviewed original research articles on the neurobiology of addiction in humans, and review articles on the impact of neuroimaging on addiction research.This volume will be part of the Neurobiology of Addiction series and is intended for graduate level students, researchers and educators. Do you agree with the assessment of the proposed audience? Reviewer #1: Yes, absolutely. It would make a very interesting addition to the selection of available textbooks in the area, and the authors/editors are noted experts.Reviewer #2: The previous work by Koob and Le Moal is the absolute classic and preeminent work in this field. It is exciting to see this strong team proposing a more thorough but similar work and I would strongly support.Reviewer #3: This volume appears to be aligned with academic work in neuroscience and psychopharmacology, and would thus appear to be aimed at those already embarked, at junior or senior level, in research in this area. It may also have utility for medical educators as teaching material for medical students and allied health professionals.Where will this topic sell best in the world? Are there geographic limitations to the audience? If so, what might be done to increase the international appeal?Reviewer #1: An interesting question. Yes, I think there are geographical limits that are defined by which societies have significantly advanced neuroscience and neurobiology. However, the market should include most developed areas of the world, which means it will have broad international appeal in research universities. It might be helpful to consider translating the texts into Mandarin, for example.Reviewer #2: No limitations that I can think of. Reviewer #3: Addiction research of the type included in the volume is expensive in terms of equipment, and requires great expertise both operationally and in the necessary scientific interpretation of results. It is likely that those interested in this volume will have ambitions to undertake similar research, and will thus be located in countries with a developed scientific infrastructure.Are you aware of any recent publications or manuscripts in preparation that are likely to compete with the work under review?Reviewer #1: Yes and no for this particular volume. Section A has been addressed by a number of recent volumes and encyclopedias, but that does not trouble me since such a section would be expected as an introduction. There are also several single volume overviews of neurobiology and addiction similar to this proposal, but see subsequent comments related to those volumes.Reviewer #2: I am not aware of such a thorough volume as thisReviewer #3: A volume of such wide scope and systematic approach has no obvious peers.What market need will this publication fill that others do not? Do you have any suggested changes that would help ensure its success?Reviewer #1: The proposal is for a much more comprehensive and detailed overview, if you include the other five volumes, than those currently on the market. In addition, neurobiology is a rapidly changing field, so an update by the pre-eminent scientists in the field would be welcomed. Dr. Koob has very high stature in the field, which will naturally attract great interest. Reviewer #2: Yes, there is a real need for such a comprehensive approach as the Neurobiology of addictions research moves on and there is a need to update and inform the broader audience of the impact of this research. Also it is in a position like the previous key text to become the library reference on the topic.Reviewer #3: What appears novel in this volume is the systematic organisation of the material under headings that might attract readers with specific individual needs for teaching.What price would you consider appropriate for this publication?Reviewer #1: Another excellent question. I generally believe that texts are overpriced, pricing many students out of the market. So with that bias acknowledged, I would suggest around 100-125 USD for this volume. If the price needs to be higher, I would also consider marketing to libraries in order to have broad international appeal since many students would likely need to share books. I have found this reality (book sharing) to be true with my professional work with universities in Nairobi, for example.Reviewer #2: Maybe, between $150-$175Reviewer #3: Typical prices for paper copies of authoritative scientific volumes are in the range £UK75-125. Electronic copies (Kindle) could be cheaper. Chapters could be sold individually.Is the proposed title appropriate? Does it capture the necessary keywords? Would you change it? If so, what would you suggest?Reviewer #1: I think it is fine, but Introduction to Neurobiology of Addiction might be more descriptive.Authors’ Response: We will definitely take the suggestion under consideration. Reviewer #2: The proposal Title is fine. Reviewer #3: Given the apparent comprehensive nature of the material, “Introduction¿ might be underselling the volume. The title could instead allude to the broad coverage: The Neurobiology of Addiction – pharmacology, physiology and behaviour.In your experience, are the authors appropriate for the subject matter? Why or why not?Reviewer #1: The authors are absolutely the right ones to write this volume. They are leaders in the field and highly respected.Reviewer #2: In my view they are the very best team you could get for such a volume.Reviewer #3: The authors are opinion leaders in the field having produced some of the most highly cited original research and reviews. They are entirely appropriate to author the volume, and their involvement is one of the primary reasons that I’m prepared to give this feedback.Is the draft Table of Contents appropriate to the aim and scope of the work?Reviewer #1: Generally speaking, yes, the content areas are relevant and appropriate. Reviewer #2: As an introduction volume, the table of contents covers all aspects of addiction very well. Reviewer #3: Clearly the first volume has had more work-up that the second, which consists mainly of place-markers repeated in each chapter for each of the drugs. If the information can be marshalled in a consistent manner then this makes cross-comparisons straightforward, especially if connections can be made with the animal literature and neurocircuitry.Authors’ Response: Yes, we intend on expanding on the sections with regards to animal models and neurocircuitry. Are there any additional features or coverage would further strengthen the publication? Reviewer #1: I thought that maybe some discussion of how neurobiology of learning and memory might link to translational treatment/intervention issues might be helpful to bridge bench to practice. Translational is implied in the section on relapse, but linking other theories to why patients may not do well in treatment, or to provide direction on what kind of cognitive rehab strategies might be helpful for patients seeking recovery. It may be a stretch for the volume in some ways, given its focus, but certainly would broaden appeal to clinical scientists. In addition, a discussion of neurobiology of addiction in the context of epigenetic research would be very interesting, and again perhaps indirectly relevant to clinical issues in the prevention and treatment of addictive behaviors. Finally, this volume in particular could be supplemented by other educational tools (videos that might be accessed to demonstrate certain concepts in the lab, other interesting web based supplemental materials for students, etc.). The proposed volume alone would be stellar, but students might also benefit from other supplemental course related resources to demonstrate key research findings and theories, at the discretion of the authors.Authors’ Response: While we understand the reviewers suggestion on neurobiology of learning and memory, we feel that is a separate topic which should be covered by a different book. This book’s primary goal is to introduce addiction from a neurobiological stand point. Reviewer #2: No, I believe the authors have covered all the necessary topics for this volume. Reviewer #3: Broadly, the content covers the major points of addiction. However, a key issue for academics, ethicists and policy makers is the hereditary and genetic component of addiction which has been explored with twin studies, genetics (GWAS), epigenetics, and endophenotypes. This is an important inclusion. Treatment is obviously an important component to the debate on the social effects of drug addiction, but appears not be covered in the volume. The mechanisms and efficacy of pharmacological treatments (e.g. naloxone) or adjuncts (e.g. naltrexone) could be covered in some detail along with psychological treatments, if space permits. Authors’ Response: We understand the importance of genetics, epigenetics and endophenotypes and will include that information in the volume where applicable. We also intent to include information on treatments, but as an introduction not an details list of medications, etc. Do you have any comments on the main strengths and weaknesses of this proposal? Have you any suggestions that you have not already put forward to improve the content, usefulness and value of the work under review?Reviewer #1: Generally speaking, the proposal is very strong and focused, and my comments are meant to enhance its many strengths. Reviewer #2: The proposal is very strong and I have no doubt that it will be a great addiction to the research field. Reviewer #3: The main strength is the consistent organisation that makes possible comparisons between drugs, and the relationships to animal work. If you were to purchase this publication, in what format would you prefer to access the content? Why?Reviewer #1: I would prefer print simply out of personal preferences. I can imagine scholars younger than I preferring the online format. The online format certainly might be more easily transportable to international markets.Reviewer #2: I would probably not purchase the book as I already understand the basis behind the field. Reviewer #3: An electronic version would be preferable if it were accompanied by digital tools to bookmark, highlight, and compare text.Would you personally purchase the book? Why or why not? Would you recommend a colleague or library to purchase the book? Why or why not?Reviewer #1: Price would be an issue. It is certainly a book that interests me, and I have no doubt that it would be a stellar contribution to the field. I would not be taking the time to review this book if it was not of interest to me. I would most certainly recommend that our library purchase the books. I would certainly suggest that my addiction science and neuroscience colleagues consider purchasing the volume. Reviewer #2: Yes I would strongly recommend my librarian to have this book.Reviewer #3: I would recommend it to those who do, and to libraries to support self-directed research
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