Laboratory Fish in Biomedical Research,
Edition 1
Biology, Husbandry and Research Applications for Zebrafish, Medaka, Killifish, Cavefish, Stickleback, Goldfish and Danionella Translucida
Edited by Livia D'Angelo and Paolo de Girolamo
Publication Date:
06 Sep 2021
Fish, and particularly zebrafish, have become the fastest-growing segment of the research population. They offer several advantages, in terms of biology and technologies to apply, and thus are employed in numerous research fields. Laboratory Fish in Biomedical Research: Biology, Husbandry and Research Applications for Zebrafish, Medaka, Killifish, Swordtail Fish, Cavefish, Stickleback, Goldfish and Danionella Translucida addresses the relevant and increasing need to collect cutting-edge knowledge on husbandry, maintenance, welfare and experimental protocols of the most common freshwater species under standard laboratory conditions.
Key Features
- Provides husbandry and management protocols, devices and water systems
- Shows strength and weakness of breeding
- Explores potential scientific applications and experimental protocols. with regards to the most used freshwater fish used for scientific purposes
Section 1: Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
1. Biology and research applications
Brautigam Lars and Filipek-Go´rniok Beata
2. Housing and maintenance of zebrafish, new technologies in laboratory aquatic systems and considerations for facility design
Bruce Newell and Marco Brocca
3. Breeding and larviculture of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Benjamin Tsang and Robert Gerlai
4. Health monitoring, disease, and clinical pathology
Jean-Philippe Mocho and Nuno Pereira
5. The welfare of zebrafish
Paul Georg Schroeder
6. Analgesia, anesthesia, and euthanasia in zebrafish
Almut Kohler and Ana M. Valentim
7. Transgenesis, mutagenesis, knockdown, and genetic colony management
Claire Allen, Francesco Argenton, Fredericus J. Van Eeden and Natascia Tiso
8. Sperm cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization, and embryo freezing
Kanav Khosla, John Bischof and Zolta´n M. Varga
Section 2: Other small freshwater fish
9. Medaka as a model teleost: characteristics and approaches of genetic modification
Tokiro Ishikawa, Yu Murakami, Chika Fujimori, Masato Kinoshita, Kiyoshi Naruse and Shinji Kanda
10. Integrated analyses using medaka as a powerful model animal toward understanding various aspects of reproductive regulation
Chie Umatani, Mikoto Nakajo, Daichi Kayo, Yoshitaka Oka and Shinji Kanda
11. The African turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri): biology and research applications
Gwendoline Astre, Eitan Moses and Itamar Harel
12. Challenges in keeping annual killifish
Martin Reichard, Radim Blazek, Iva Dykova, Jakub Zak and Matej Polacik
13. Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus): biology, husbandry, and experimental protocols
Diana P. Baumann and Andrew Ingalls
14. The housing, care, and use of a laboratory three-spined stickleback colony
Ellen Blaker, Marion Sebire, Tim Ellis and Ioanna Katsiadaki
15. Goldfish (Carassius auratus): biology, husbandry, and research applications
Ayelen M. Blanco and Suraj Unniappan
16. Danionella translucida, a tankful of new opportunities
Gokul Rajan, Karine Duroure and Filippo Del Bene
Section 3: Databases
17. Fish inventory databases
Jana Oltova
1. Biology and research applications
Brautigam Lars and Filipek-Go´rniok Beata
2. Housing and maintenance of zebrafish, new technologies in laboratory aquatic systems and considerations for facility design
Bruce Newell and Marco Brocca
3. Breeding and larviculture of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Benjamin Tsang and Robert Gerlai
4. Health monitoring, disease, and clinical pathology
Jean-Philippe Mocho and Nuno Pereira
5. The welfare of zebrafish
Paul Georg Schroeder
6. Analgesia, anesthesia, and euthanasia in zebrafish
Almut Kohler and Ana M. Valentim
7. Transgenesis, mutagenesis, knockdown, and genetic colony management
Claire Allen, Francesco Argenton, Fredericus J. Van Eeden and Natascia Tiso
8. Sperm cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization, and embryo freezing
Kanav Khosla, John Bischof and Zolta´n M. Varga
Section 2: Other small freshwater fish
9. Medaka as a model teleost: characteristics and approaches of genetic modification
Tokiro Ishikawa, Yu Murakami, Chika Fujimori, Masato Kinoshita, Kiyoshi Naruse and Shinji Kanda
10. Integrated analyses using medaka as a powerful model animal toward understanding various aspects of reproductive regulation
Chie Umatani, Mikoto Nakajo, Daichi Kayo, Yoshitaka Oka and Shinji Kanda
11. The African turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri): biology and research applications
Gwendoline Astre, Eitan Moses and Itamar Harel
12. Challenges in keeping annual killifish
Martin Reichard, Radim Blazek, Iva Dykova, Jakub Zak and Matej Polacik
13. Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus): biology, husbandry, and experimental protocols
Diana P. Baumann and Andrew Ingalls
14. The housing, care, and use of a laboratory three-spined stickleback colony
Ellen Blaker, Marion Sebire, Tim Ellis and Ioanna Katsiadaki
15. Goldfish (Carassius auratus): biology, husbandry, and research applications
Ayelen M. Blanco and Suraj Unniappan
16. Danionella translucida, a tankful of new opportunities
Gokul Rajan, Karine Duroure and Filippo Del Bene
Section 3: Databases
17. Fish inventory databases
Jana Oltova
Page Count: 474
Retail Price
9780123740168; 9780124186699; 9780125296502
Academies, Institutes of research, Foundations involved in education and training in the field of laboratory animal sciences (LAS), National and International Associations/Scientific Societies involved in the field of LAS. Companies (i) producing laboratory aquatics infrastructures and devices, (ii) offering services for health monitoring. Scientists, Technicians, Laboratory managers, Animal caretaker, Veterinarians
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