Section I: Sleep Medicine Exam Preparation
1. Introduction to Sleep Medicine
Section II: Highlights of Normal Sleep
2. Sleep Phylogenic Evolution and Ontogeny
3. Normal Human Sleep Wake Patterns
4. Highlights of Sleep Neuroscience
5. Normal Sleep Physiology (Including Respiratory and Cardiac Physiology)
6. Genetics in Sleep Medicine
7. Introduction to Evaluation Tools Used in Sleep Medicine
8. An Overview of Polysomnography
9. Sleep Stage Scoring
Section III: Synopsis of Sleep Disorders
10. Sleep Deprivation
11. The Insomnias
12. Narcolepsy and Hypersomnias of Central Origin: Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment
13. Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders: Clinical Features and Evaluation
14. Treatment of Sleep-Disordered Breathing
15. Circadian Rhythm Disorders
16. Diagnosis and Treatment of Parasomnias
17. Sleep-Related Movement Disorders
18. Overview of Electrocephalography and Epilepsy
19. Sleep and Neurological Disorders
20. Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders
21. Sleep in Medical Disorders and Special Populations
22. Pediatric Sleep-Wake Disorders
23. Synopsis of Geriatric Sleep Disorders
24. Cardiac Monitoring and Scoring in Polysomnography
25. Pharmacotherapy of Common Sleep Promoting Agents
26. Medication Effects on Sleep
27. Overview of Sleep Practive Parameters
Section IV: Testing Knowledge in Sleep Medicine: Practice Exams
28. Mechanism and Disorders of Circadian Physiology
29. Tools in Clinical Sleep Medicine
30. Practice Examination—Pediatric Sleep Disorders
31. Cardiology in Sleep Medicine
32. Pulmonary Sleep Clinical Case Studies
33. Psychiatry Clinical Case Studies
34. Insomnia Clinical Pearls and Case Studies
35. Neurology in Sleep Medicine: Polysomnography Case-Based Assessment
36. Hypersomnia Case Studies
37. Clinical Cases: Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders
38. REM and Non-REM Parasomnias
39. Seizures and Sleep
40. Sleep Related Movement Disorders
41. Sleep and Medical Disorders, and Special Populations
42. Sleep Pharmacology
43. Polysomnography Pearls
44. Sleep Stage Scoring
45. Artifacts
46. The Use of Statistics in Sleep Medicine—Exam Questions
47. Knowing your Sleep Practice Parameters
48. Quality Measures in Sleep Medicine
49. Normal Sleep Patterns
50. Mechanisms of Sleep Neuroscience
- Statistics in Medicine
- Cardiac Arrhythmias
- Statistics for Clinical Trials and Audit
- Horne-Östberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire