Leading with Mastery and Heart,
Edition 1 The Coaching Companion for Thriving Nurse Leaders
By Catherine Robinson-Walker

Publication Date: 03 Feb 2020

Leading with Mastery and Heart: The Coaching Companion for Thriving Nurse Leaders provides expert, on-the-spot coaching for nurses who lead. Content centers on topic-specific columns that feature an easy-to-read, personable writing style not found in any other leadership title. Just a few of the hot topics covered in this collection are: how to stay centered and positive in the midst of highly stressful situations; how to manage resistance and negativity; how to provide inspiration along with direction; and how to combat limiting circumstances and beliefs. With its wealth of proven, real-world advice, Leading with Mastery and Heart: The Coaching Companion for Thriving Nurse Leaders is perfect for any current or aspiring nurse manager or executive looking to quickly and effectively hone their leadership skills.

Key Features

  • Well-organized collection of over 60 columns on leadership excellence for nurses covering topics such as the challenges of being new on the job, what change really means, managing resistance, developing others in challenging times, and coaching your boss
  • Practical advice based on real circumstances in real healthcare organizations offering true to life examples and successful solutions that apply to nurse leaders at all levels.
  • Emphasis on self-awareness reflecting the extensive research validating that the more self-aware we are, the better leaders we become
  • Concrete and immediate solutions providing uncommon insight and guidance for even the most intractable challenges
About the author
By Catherine Robinson-Walker
Table of Contents

Section I. Knowing Who You Are as a Leader
Part One: Introspection and Learning

1. The Stakes are High and You Must Change 
2. Practicing Radical Honesty 
3. You’re Not Happy. Now What?  
4. Focusing Too Much on Other People 
5. Taking Charge of Our Stories 
6. Being Accountable for A Leadership Mistake

Part Two: True North: Your Values

7. “I Don’t Have Time¿
8. What Do You Choose to Animate?
9. When Feedback Is Your Teacher
10. Being Too Good

Part Three: Emotional Ghosts and Triggers

11. We CAN Manage Emotional Hijacks 
12. The Destructive Power of Old Emotional Baggage
13. When Being Right is Not Enough 
14. Manage Your Triggers and Find Peace 

Part Four: Compassion and Care – for Yourself

15. A Compassionate Intervention
16. Establishing Healthy Boundaries 
17. When Good Intentions Go Awry 
18. What Learning “Spirals¿ Teach Us 

Section II. Building Relationships That Thrive
Part One: Influence, Communication and Respect

19. Passion Two Ways
20. The Art of The Question
21. Coaching Up
22. Listen – and Speak – with Care 

Part Two:  Relationship Landmines and Let-Downs

23. Leadership and Betrayal
24. Recognizing Competing Commitments 
25. Your Evaluation Doesn’t Go Well.  What Will You Do?
26. The Downside of Storytelling

Part Three: Loving Your Team – No Matter What

27. Leading a Team That’s Checked Out 
28. Preparing Your Team for The Future 
29. Shining Eyes
30. The Hidden Power of the Team Leader 
31. The 70% Team

Section III: Leading Change
Part One: Ready or Not, Change is Here

32. Managing Too Much Change 
33. Readiness and Reinforcement Matter 

Part Two:  Change Happens – So Does Resistance

34. Understanding Resistance 
35. What Does “No¿ Really Mean?
36. Managing by Accident

Part Three:  When The Change Maker Is You

37. A Mentee’s Lament
38. Meet the New Boss
39. Know When to Go
40. Managing an Exit
41. You’ve Left Your Job and The Unexpected Happens

Section IV:  Claiming Your Power And Your Place
Part One: It’s Your Turn to Lead

42. You’ve been an “Emerging Leader¿ Long Enough 
43. Demonstrating Courage and Own Your Power 
44. How Do You See Yourself? 
45. Being A One-Person Show
46. The Power of Executive Presence

Part Two: Navigating Power Detractors

47. Leadership Blind Spots 
48. If Only They Would Change
49. The Imposter Syndrome
50. Keeping Expectations in Check
51. Take Advantage of Your Career Runway
52. The Problem with Perfection

Section V: Leading with Mastery and Heart
Part One: Developing Others

53. Grooming for All, Regardless Of Budget 
54. The CNO as Chief Influence Officer
55. Turning Poor Performance Around
56. Does Anyone Want Your Job?
57. Coach While You Lead
58. Let Coaching Fill Your Heart

Part Two: Being a Role Model

59. What Are You Passing On To Others?
60. Develop Your Unique Leadership Style
61. Practice Conscious Influence
62. Know Your Leadership Wake
63. Achieve Success, Again and Again


64. Make the Most of Coaching


Book details
ISBN: 9780323721981
Page Count: 160
Retail Price : £25.99
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