Adult Health Nursing - Binder Ready,
Edition 9
By Kim Cooper, RN, MSN and Kelly Gosnell, RN, MSN

Publication Date: 03 May 2022
About the author
By Kim Cooper, RN, MSN, Associate Professor and Dean, School of Nursing at Ivy Tech Community College and Kelly Gosnell, RN, MSN, Associate Professor of Nursing, Ivy Tech Community College, Terre Haute, Indiana
Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

2. Care of the Surgical Patient

3. Care of the Patient with an Integumentary Disorder

4. Care of the Patient with a Musculoskeletal Disorder

5. Care of the Patient with a Gastrointestinal Disorder

6. Care of the Patient with a Gallbladder, Liver, Biliary Tract, or Exocrine Pancreatic Disorder

7. Care of the Patient with a Blood or Lymphatic Disorder

8. Care of the Patient with a Cardiovascular or a Peripheral Vascular Disorder

9. Care of the Patient with a Respiratory Disorder

10. Care of the Patient with a Urinary Disorder

11. Care of the Patient with an Endocrine Disorder

12. Care of the Patient with a Reproductive Disorder

13. Care of the Patient with a Visual or Auditory Disorder

14. Care of the Patient with a Neurological Disorder

15. Care of the Patient with an Immune Disorder

16. Care of the Patient with HIV/AIDS

17. Care of the Patient with Cancer



Book details
ISBN: 9780323931854
Page Count: 938
Illustrations : Approx. 240 illustrations (240 in full color)
Retail Price : £60.99