Exploring Engineering,
Edition 6
An Introduction to Engineering and Design
By Robert Balmer, Ph.D. and William Keat
Publication Date:
20 Nov 2024
Exploring Engineering: An Introduction to Engineering and Design, Sixth Edition explores the world of engineering by introducing the reader to what engineers do, the fundamental principles that form the basis of their work, and how they apply that knowledge within a structured design process. The three-part organization of the text reinforces these areas, making this an ideal introduction for anyone interested in exploring the various fields of engineering and learning how engineers work to solve problems. This new edition has been revised with new mini-design projects, more content on ethics, and more examples throughout the text on the use of significant figures.
Key Features
- Provides a multiple award-winning textbook that introduces students to the engineering profession, emphasizing the fundamental physical, chemical, and material bases for all engineering work
- Poses ethical challenges and explores decision-making in an engineering context
- Lists "Top Engineering Achievements" and "Top Engineering Challenges" to help put the material in context and show engineering as a vibrant discipline involved in solving societal problems
- Includes a companion website with several drawing supplements, including "Free-hand Engineering Sketching," (detailed instructions on free-hand engineering sketching); "AutoCAD Introduction," (an introduction to the free AutoCAD drawing software); and "Design Projects," (freshman-level design projects that complement the "Hands-On" part of the textbook)
Part 1: LEAD-ON
1. What Do Engineers Do?
2. Elements of Engineering Analysis
3. Force and Motion
4. Energy
5. Engineering Economics
6. Engineering Ethics
Part 2: MINDS-ON
7. Aeronautical Engineering
8. Chemical Engineering
9. Civil Engineering
10. Computer Engineering
11. Electrical Engineering
12. Industrial Engineering
13. Manufacturing Engineering
14. Materials Engineering
15. Mechanical Engineering
16. Nuclear Engineering
17. Bioengineering
18. Electrochemical Engineering
19. Environmental Engineering
20. Green Energy Engineering
21. Mechatronics and Physical Computing
22. Introduction to Engineering Design
23. Design Teams
24. Design Step 1: Defining the Problem
25. Design Step 2: Generation of Alternative Concepts
26. Design Step 3: Evaluation of Alternatives and Selection of a Concept
27. Design Step 4: Detailed Design
28. Design Step 5: Design Defense
29. Design Step 6: Manufacturing and Testing
30. Design Step 7: Performance Evaluation
31. Design Step 8: Design Report
32. Examples of Design Competitions
33. Closing Remarks on the Important Role of Design Projects
1. What Do Engineers Do?
2. Elements of Engineering Analysis
3. Force and Motion
4. Energy
5. Engineering Economics
6. Engineering Ethics
Part 2: MINDS-ON
7. Aeronautical Engineering
8. Chemical Engineering
9. Civil Engineering
10. Computer Engineering
11. Electrical Engineering
12. Industrial Engineering
13. Manufacturing Engineering
14. Materials Engineering
15. Mechanical Engineering
16. Nuclear Engineering
17. Bioengineering
18. Electrochemical Engineering
19. Environmental Engineering
20. Green Energy Engineering
21. Mechatronics and Physical Computing
22. Introduction to Engineering Design
23. Design Teams
24. Design Step 1: Defining the Problem
25. Design Step 2: Generation of Alternative Concepts
26. Design Step 3: Evaluation of Alternatives and Selection of a Concept
27. Design Step 4: Detailed Design
28. Design Step 5: Design Defense
29. Design Step 6: Manufacturing and Testing
30. Design Step 7: Performance Evaluation
31. Design Step 8: Design Report
32. Examples of Design Competitions
33. Closing Remarks on the Important Role of Design Projects
Page Count: 696
Retail Price
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- PPT Lecture Slides
- Chapter_10_Computer_Engineering_Part_1.pptx
- Chapter_10_Computer_Engineering_Part_2.pptx
- Chapter_11_Electrical_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_12_Industrial_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_13_Manufacturing_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_14_Materials_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_15_Mechanical_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_16_Nuclear_Energy.pptx
- Chapter_17_Bioengineering.pptx
- Chapter_18_Electrochemical_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_19_Environmental_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_1_What Engineers_Do.pptx
- Chapter_20_Green_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_21_Introduction_to_Mechatronics_and_Physical_Computing.pptx
- Chapter_22_Introduction_to_Engineering_Design.pptx
- Chapter_23_Design_Teams.pptx
- Chapter_24_Design_Step 1_Defining_the_Problem.pptx
- Chapter_25_Design_Step 2_Generation_of_Alternative_Concepts.pptx
- Chapter_26_Design_Step_3_Evaluation_of_Alternatives_&_Selection_of_a_Concept.ppt
- Chapter_27_Design_Step_4_Detailed_Design.pptx
- Chapter_28_Design_Step_5_Design_Defense.pptx
- Chapter_29_Design_Step_6_Manufacturing.pptx
- Chapter_2_Engineering_Ethics.pptx
- Chapter_30_Design_Step_7_Performance_Evaluation.pptx
- Chapter_31_Design_Step_8_Design_Report.pptx
- Chapter_32_Examples_of_Design_Competitions.pptx
- Chapter_3_Key_Elements_in_Engineering_Analysis.pptx
- Chapter_4_Force_and_Motion.pptx
- Chapter_5_Energy.pptx
- Chapter_6_Engineering_Economics.pptx
- Chapter_7_Aeronautical_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_8_Chemical_Engineering.pptx
- Chapter_9_Civil_Engineering_Part 1.pptx
- Chapter_9_Civil_Engineering_Part 2.pptx
- Chapter_9_Civil_Engineering_Part 3.pptx
- Chapter_9_Civil_Engineering_Part_4.pptx
- Solutions Manual
- SM CH 1 What Engineers Do.pdf
- SM CH 10 Computer Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 11 Electrical Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 12 Industrial Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 13 Manufacturing Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 14 Materials Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 15 Mechanical Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 16 Nuclear Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 17 Bioengineering.pdf
- SM CH 18 Electrochemical Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 19 Environmental Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 2 Engineering Ethics.pdf
- SM CH 20 Green Energy Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 21 Mechatronics.pdf
- SM CH 22 Intro to Engineering Design.pdf
- SM CH 23 Design Teams.pdf
- SM CH 24 Step 1 Define the Problem.pdf
- SM CH 25 Step 2 Generate Alternatives.pdf
- SM CH 26 Step 3 Evaluate Alternatives.pdf
- SM CH 27 Step 4 Detailed Design.pdf
- SM CH 28 Step 5 Design Defense.pdf
- SM CH 29 Step 6 Manufacture and Test.pdf
- SM CH 3 Engineering Analysis.pdf
- SM CH 30 Step 7 Performance Eval.pdf
- SM CH 31 Step 8 Design Report.pdf
- SM CH 4 Force and Motion.pdf
- SM CH 5 Energy.pdf
- SM CH 6 Engineering Economics.pdf
- SM CH 7 Aeronautical Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 8 Chemical Engineering.pdf
- SM CH 9 Civil Engineering.pdf
Freshman undergraduate students entering 4-year engineering programs, including those with declared or intended majors in all engineering areas such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, industrial, and civil engineering Freshman undergraduate students taking an Introduction to Engineering Course as a requirement for a technical degree or as an elective for science and technology requirements for other degree programs in liberal arts, business, life sciences, and so forth
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