Circuits, Signals, and Systems for Bioengineers,
Edition 4
A MATLAB-Based Introduction
By John Semmlow
Publication Date:
29 Oct 2024
Circuits, Signals, and Systems for Bioengineers: A MATLAB-Based Introduction, Fourth Edition, guides the reader through the electrical engineering principles that can be applied to biological systems. It details the basic engineering concepts that underlie biomedical systems, medical devices, biocontrol, and biomedical signal analysis, providing a solid foundation for students in important bioengineering concepts. Fully revised and updated to better meet the needs of instructors and students, the fourth edition expands on concepts introduced in the previous edition through computational methods that allow students to explore operations, such as correlations, convolution, the Fourier transform, and the transfer function. New medical examples and applications are included throughout the text.
Key Features
- Covers current applications in biocontrol, with examples from physiological systems modeling, such as the respiratory system
- Features revised material throughout, with improved clarity of presentation and more biological, physiological, and medical examples and applications
- Includes support materials, such as solutions, lecture slides, MATLAB data, and functions needed to solve problems
1. The Big Picture: Bioengineering Signals and Systems
2. Signal Analysis in the Time Domain
3. Signal Analysis in the Frequency Domain: The Fourier Series and the Fourier Transformation
4. Signal Analysis in the Frequency Domain - Implications and Applications
5. Linear Systems Analysis in the Time Domain - Convolution
6. Linear Systems Analysis in the Frequency Domain: The Transfer Function
7. Linear Systems in the Complex Frequency Domain: The Laplace Transform
8. Analysis of Discrete Linear Systems - The z-Transform and Applications to Filters
9. System Modeling and Simulink
10. Stochastic, Nonstationary, and Nonlinear Systems and Signals
11. Two-Dimensional Signals - Basic Image Analysis
12. Circuits Elements and Circuit Variables
13. Analysis of Analog Circuits and Models
14. Circuit Reduction - Simplifications
15. Basic Analog Electronics - Operational Amplifiers
A, Derivations
B. Laplace Transforms and Properties of the Fourier Transform
C. Trigonometric and Other Formulae
D. Conversion Factors
E. Complex Numbers
F. LF356 Specifications
G. Determinants and Cramer's Rule
1. The Big Picture: Bioengineering Signals and Systems
2. Signal Analysis in the Time Domain
3. Signal Analysis in the Frequency Domain: The Fourier Series and the Fourier Transformation
4. Signal Analysis in the Frequency Domain - Implications and Applications
5. Linear Systems Analysis in the Time Domain - Convolution
6. Linear Systems Analysis in the Frequency Domain: The Transfer Function
7. Linear Systems in the Complex Frequency Domain: The Laplace Transform
8. Analysis of Discrete Linear Systems - The z-Transform and Applications to Filters
9. System Modeling and Simulink
10. Stochastic, Nonstationary, and Nonlinear Systems and Signals
11. Two-Dimensional Signals - Basic Image Analysis
12. Circuits Elements and Circuit Variables
13. Analysis of Analog Circuits and Models
14. Circuit Reduction - Simplifications
15. Basic Analog Electronics - Operational Amplifiers
A, Derivations
B. Laplace Transforms and Properties of the Fourier Transform
C. Trigonometric and Other Formulae
D. Conversion Factors
E. Complex Numbers
F. LF356 Specifications
G. Determinants and Cramer's Rule
Page Count: 782
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- Image
- Image
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Solutions Manual
- Chapter 1 Solutions.pdf
- Chapter 12 Solutions.pdf
- Chapter 13 Solutions.pdf
- Chapter 14 solutions.pdf
- Chapter 15 solutions.pdf
- Chapter 2 Solutions.pdf
- Chapter 3 Solutions.pdf
- Chapter 5 solutions.pdf
- Chapter 6 Solutions.pdf
- Chapter 7 Solutions.pdf
- Chapter 8 Solutions.pdf
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 1
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 10
- ECG_10min.mat
- EEG.mat
- EEG_10min.mat
- EEG_1hr.mat
- EEG_1hra.mat
- EEG_1hrb.mat
- EEG_1min.mat
- EEG_FP1_F3.mat
- EEG_FP1_F4.mat
- EEG_FP1_F7.mat
- Prob10_1.m
- Prob10_10.m
- Prob10_11.m
- Prob10_12.m
- Prob10_13.m
- Prob10_14.m
- Prob10_15.m
- Prob10_16.m
- Prob10_17.m
- Prob10_18.m
- Prob10_19.m
- Prob10_2.m
- Prob10_20.m
- Prob10_21.m
- Prob10_22a.m
- Prob10_22b.m
- Prob10_23a.m
- Prob10_23b.m
- Prob10_24a.m
- Prob10_24b.m
- Prob10_3.m
- Prob10_4.m
- Prob10_5.m
- Prob10_6.m
- Prob10_7.m
- Prob10_8.m
- Prob10_9model.slx
- Prob10_9plot.m
- coarse_graining.m
- corr_dim.m
- crosscorr.m
- delay_emb.m
- find_peaks.m
- hr_data.mat
- num_matches.m
- prob10_22data.mat
- prob10_23data.mat
- prob10_24data.mat
- qrs_detect.m
- rr_data.mat
- sig_noise.m
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 11
- Prob11_1.m
- Prob11_10.m
- Prob11_11.m
- Prob11_12.m
- Prob11_13.m
- Prob11_14.m
- Prob11_15.m
- Prob11_16.m
- Prob11_17.m
- Prob11_17data.tif
- Prob11_18.m
- Prob11_19.m
- Prob11_2.m
- Prob11_20.m
- Prob11_21.m
- Prob11_22.m
- Prob11_3.m
- Prob11_4.m
- Prob11_5.m
- Prob11_6.m
- Prob11_7.m
- Prob11_8.m
- Prob11_9.m
- Prob13_data.mat
- bacteria.tif
- blood1.tif
- blood2.tif
- brain1.tif
- brain2.tif
- cell.tif
- dancer.png
- double_chirp.tif
- gaussian.m
- histogrm.m
- lgauss.m
- noise_brain2.tif
- nonlfilter.m
- secret_file.mat
- spine.tif
- testpat1.tif
- texture3.tif
- texture4.tif
- thresh_image.m
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 12
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 13
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 14
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 2
- Hr_med.mat
- Prob2_10.m
- Prob2_11.m
- Prob2_11_data.mat
- Prob2_18.m
- Prob2_19.m
- Prob2_2.m
- Prob2_23.m
- Prob2_24.m
- Prob2_25.m
- Prob2_26.m
- Prob2_27.m
- Prob2_28.m
- Prob2_29.m
- Prob2_30.m
- Prob2_31.m
- Prob2_32.m
- Prob2_33.m
- Prob2_35.m
- Prob2_4.m
- Prob2_5.m
- Prob2_6.m
- Prob2_9.m
- amplitude_slice.mat
- crosscorr1.m
- crosscorr2.m
- crosscorr3.m
- ensemble_data.mat
- prob2_28_data.mat
- prob2_29_data.mat
- prob_26_data.mat
- secret_code.mat
- signal_noise.mat
- two_var.mat
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 3
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 4
- ECG_1hr.mat
- Prob4_1.m
- Prob4_10.m
- Prob4_11.m
- Prob4_12.m
- Prob4_13.m
- Prob4_14.m
- Prob4_15.m
- Prob4_16.m
- Prob4_17.m
- Prob4_18.m
- Prob4_19.m
- Prob4_2.m
- Prob4_20.m
- Prob4_21.m
- Prob4_22.m
- Prob4_23.m
- Prob4_24.m
- Prob4_3.m
- Prob4_4.m
- Prob4_5.m
- Prob4_6.m
- Prob4_7.m
- Prob4_8.m
- Prob4_9.m
- bp_filter.mat
- broadband2.mat
- broadband3.mat
- cardiac_press.mat
- chirp.m
- chirp.mat
- crosscorr.m
- eeg_data.mat
- filter1.mat
- prob4_9_data.mat
- prob_4_22.mat
- prob_4_24.mat
- quantization.mat
- resp_noise.mat
- sample_rate.mat
- sample_rate1.mat
- short.mat
- sig_noise.m
- stft.m
- unknown_impulse_response.mat
- unknown_spectrum.mat
- unknown_sys5_2.m
- unknown_sys5_3.m
- welch.m
- welch_win.m
- x_impulse.mat
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 5
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 6
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 7
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 8
- ECG.mat
- ECG60.mat
- ECG_9.mat
- ECG_noise.mat
- Ex8_7.m
- Prob8_1.m
- Prob8_10.m
- Prob8_11.m
- Prob8_12.m
- Prob8_13.asv
- Prob8_13.m
- Prob8_14.m
- Prob8_15.m
- Prob8_16.m
- Prob8_17.m
- Prob8_18.m
- Prob8_19.m
- Prob8_2.m
- Prob8_20.m
- Prob8_21.m
- Prob8_22.m
- Prob8_23.m
- Prob8_24.m
- Prob8_25.m
- Prob8_26.m
- Prob8_27.m
- Prob8_28.m
- Prob8_29.m
- Prob8_3.m
- Prob8_4.m
- Prob8_5.m
- Prob8_6.m
- Prob8_7.m
- Prob8_8.m
- Prob8_9.m
- Resp.mat
- Resp_noise.mat
- Resp_noise1.mat
- Resp_noise2.mat
- blackman.m
- code2.mat
- crosscorr.m
- ensemble_data.mat
- impulse_resp1.mat
- meeting.mp3
- message.mat
- sawth.mat
- sig_noise.m
- welch.m
- Matlab Solutions Chapter 9
- Plot_Output.m
- Prob9_1.m
- Prob9_10.m
- Prob9_10model.slx
- Prob9_10sol.fig
- Prob9_11.m
- Prob9_11model.slx
- Prob9_11sol.fig
- Prob9_12.m
- Prob9_12model.slx
- Prob9_12sol.fig
- Prob9_13.m
- Prob9_13model.slx
- Prob9_13sol.fig
- Prob9_14.m
- Prob9_14model.slx
- Prob9_14sol.fig
- Prob9_15model.slx
- Prob9_15sol.fig
- Prob9_16model.slx
- Prob9_16sol.fig
- Prob9_17model.slx
- Prob9_2.m
- Prob9_3model.slx
- Prob9_4model.slx
- Prob9_5model.slx
- Prob9_6model.slx
- Prob9_7.m
- Prob9_7model.slx
- Prob9_8model.slx
- Prob9_9model.slx
- vergence_resp.mat
- User Files
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 10
- ECG_10min.mat
- EEG.mat
- EEG_10min.mat
- EEG_1hr.mat
- EEG_1hra.mat
- EEG_1hrb.mat
- EEG_1min.mat
- EEG_FP1_F3.mat
- EEG_FP1_F4.mat
- EEG_FP1_F7.mat
- Examples
- coarse_graining.m
- corr_dim.m
- crosscorr.m
- delay_emb.m
- find_peaks.m
- hr_data.mat
- num_matches.m
- prob10_22data.mat
- prob10_23data.mat
- prob10_24data.mat
- qrs_detect.m
- rr_data.mat
- sig_noise.m
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- ECG_1hr.mat
- Examples
- bp_filter.mat
- broadband2.mat
- broadband3.mat
- cardiac_press.mat
- chirp.m
- chirp.mat
- crosscorr.m
- eeg_data.mat
- filter1.mat
- prob4_9_data.mat
- prob_4_22.mat
- prob_4_24.mat
- quantization.mat
- resp_noise.mat
- sample_rate.mat
- sample_rate1.mat
- short.mat
- sig_noise.m
- stft.m
- unknown_impulse_response.mat
- unknown_spectrum.mat
- unknown_sys5_2.m
- unknown_sys5_3.m
- welch.m
- welch_win.m
- x_impulse.mat
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- wetransfer_missing-files_2024-11-12_1422
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