Linking Research and Practice in Midwifery,
Edition 1 A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice
By Sue Proctor

Publication Date: 07 Aug 2000
This book explores how the links between midwifery research and practice can be developed and strengthened, in order to lead directly to care based on the best available evidence. Based on the realities of midwifery practice, contributions by researchers, practitioners and consumers explore the core issues, which challenge midwives in their practice, and how these challenges may be met.
Comprising two sections, the book deals clearly and in detail with the complex issues involved in developing evidence-based practice. The first section considers the context of research in todays healthcare structure, after reflecting on the current and past positions of research in midwifery. Issues such as ethical decisions and the involvement of women and babies in research are explored prior to a discussion of the different stages of the research process. Continual professional and practice development through education and audit are also examined. Section Two highlights some of the core skills for research in midwifery and offers guidance and tips from experts in their fields. Throughout the book, examples from practice and reflective exercise illustrate and underpin theoretical points.

Key Features

  • Explores the key issues in midwifery research which a midwife has to understand before being able to interpret research accurately
  • Focuses on how research can drive and improve everyday practice
  • Helps the reader to be clear about what issues have to be understood form research findings in order to build future research projects
  • Gives a clear guide to how midwifery research fits the national picture, how research priorities affect maternity services, and the importance of collaborating with other professionals in developing research
    About the author
    By Sue Proctor, Senior Nurse, Strategic Planning and Professional Development, Bradford Health Authority, Bradford, UK
    Table of Contents
    THE CONTEXT OF MIDWIFERY PRACTICE · Research Evidence in Midwifery Practice · Historical Context of Research · Research and development in the NHS · Ethics and Good Practice Involving Consumers in Research · Reviewing Existing Knowledge · Asking Questions about Practice and Using Appropriate Research Methods · Words into Action: Dissemination and Implementing the Findings of Research · Developing Standards for Practice · Education for Best Practice · The Reality of Evidence-Based Practice in Midwifery · Developing Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Midwifery · The Next Thirty Years · DESIGNING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL · Applying to a Local Research Ethics Committee · Questionnaire Design · Conducting Interviews with Individuals and Groups · Conducting Participant and Non-Participant Observational Studies
    Book Reviews
    "The editors are well known and eminent midwives with strong research backgrounds. They provide a useful introduction to set the scene and justify why we should incorporate evidence based practice." Heather James, Australian College of Midwives, December 2000
    Book details
    ISBN: 9780702022975
    Page Count: 280
    Illustrations : 5 ills.
    Retail Price : £33.99
    Bennett: Myles Textbook for Midwives 13/e0 4430 5586 6 £29.50 Churchill LivingstoneSweet: Mayes Midwifery 12/e0 7020 1757 4 £28.95 Bailliere TindallHicks: Undertaking Midwifery Research0 4430 5230 1 £18.95 Churchill Livingstone
    Midwives, Midwifery Students.
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