Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice,
Edition 1
Edited by Jayne E. Marshall, FRCM, PFHEA, PhD, MA, PGCEA, ADM, RM, RN and Maureen D. Raynor, MA PGCEA ADM RMN RN RM

Publication Date: 14 Sep 2009

Advancing Skills in Midwifery Practice provides a guide to continuing professional development needs and meeting the latest Post-Registration and Practice (PREP) requirements. Building on Skills for Midwifery Practice by Ruth Johnson and Wendy Taylor, this book follows a similar format already familiar to many midwives. Whilst aimed primarily at registered midwives, the principles and philosophy apply across interprofessional boundaries. Grounded in safe practice and on contemporary evidence, this book also ensures that the health and wellbeing of the mother, baby and family remain at the forefront of care.

Key Features

  • Lists underpinning practices and guidelines
  • Rationale, including indications and contraindications of when the skill should be undertaken
  • Procedure: how the skill is performed, evaluated and documented
  • Professional responsibilities
  • Key practice points
  • References and further reading
About the author
Edited by Jayne E. Marshall, FRCM, PFHEA, PhD, MA, PGCEA, ADM, RM, RN, Foundation Professor of Midwifery and NMC Lead Midwife for Education, School of Allied Health Professions, College of Life Sciences, George Davies Centre, University of Leicester, UK and Maureen D. Raynor, MA PGCEA ADM RMN RN RM, Senior Lecturer (Midwifery), De Montfort University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Leicester, UK
Book details
ISBN: 9780702030062
Page Count: 204
Retail Price : £33.99
0-443-10128-0, 978-0-443-10128-1, Johnson & Taylor: Skills for Midwifery Practice, 2e, Nov-2005
0-7020-3146-1, 978-0-7020-3146-5, Johnson & Taylor: Skills for Midwifery Practice, 3e, May-2010


  • Student midwives in the latter stages of the pre-registration midwifery education programme
  • Midwives taking post-graduate courses
  • Practising midwives
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