Supervision, Learning and Assessment in Clinical Practice,
Edition 4 A Guide for Nurses, Midwives and Other Health Professionals
Edited by Sue Woodward, PhD MSc PGCEA RN FRCN and Sam Bassett

Publication Date: 03 Jan 2035
Awaiting publication
About the author
Edited by Sue Woodward, PhD MSc PGCEA RN FRCN, Head of Clinical Education, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, King's College London, UK and Sam Bassett, Lead Midwife for Education, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, King's College London, London, UK
Table of Contents
  1. The Purposes and Nature of Assessment and Clinical Assessment
  2. Responsibility and Accountability Surrounding Clinical Assessment
  3. What do we Assess?
  4. How do we Assess?
  5. Conducting Defensible and Fair Assessments
  6. Assessment as a Process to Support Learning
  7. Monitoring Progress, Managing Feedback and making Assessment Decisions
  8. Clinical Learning Environment as a Setting for Learning and Professional Development
  9. Learning through Clinical Practice–Unearthing Meaning from Experience
Book details
ISBN: 9780702077609
Page Count: 240
Retail Price : £32.99