New Edition
Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions - Revised 3rd ANZ Edition,
Edition 3
By Peter Harris, MBBS, FRACGP, Sue Nagy, RN, BA(Hons), PhD, FCN, and Nicholas Vardaxis, BSc(Hons), PhD

Publication Date: 20 Sep 2018

Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions has been acclaimed by students and educators for its clarity, comprehensiveness and currency. Now in its third revised edition, a thorough revision of this definitive reference for the Australian and New Zealand region enhances the classic Mosby Dictionary features and offers all of the following:

Key Features

  • Over 39 000 clear, precise entries, plus encyclopaedic entries of significant terms
  • Over 2000 high quality images and the apt use of tables to demonstrate and clarify
  • More than 30 medical and health specialties represented
  • A detailed colour atlas of anatomy, enhancing the comprehension of anatomical terms
  • Local spelling conventions and phonetic pronunciation guides throughout
  • Fully revised etymologies
  • Comprehensive entries for numerous drugs
  • Valuable appendices, including normal laboratory values for adults and children, units of measurement, nutrition guidelines, assessment guides, immunisation schedules, infection control and herb–drug interactions


  • Access to all online resources
  • Regionalised spellchecker
  • Printable colour atlas of human anatomy
  • Image collection offers all images for online viewing
  • 5 comprehensive appendices
About the author
By Peter Harris, MBBS, FRACGP, Senior Lecturer in Medical Education, University of New South Wales, New South Wales; Sue Nagy, RN, BA(Hons), PhD, FCN,, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Health, University of Technology, Sydney New South Wales and Nicholas Vardaxis, BSc(Hons), PhD, Executive General Manager, Courses and Quality, Open Universities Australia
Table of Contents
Pronunciation KeyColour Atlas of Human Anatomy A-1 Skeletal systemMuscular systemCirculatory systemLymphatic systemNervous systemRespiratory systemDigestive systemReproductive systemUrinary system Special senses Dictionary entries A-Z Appendices 1. Units of measurement2. Symbols and abbreviations 3. Medical terminology4. Normal reference values5. Nutrition 6. Medication: clinical calculations, interactions, issues of safety, and usage rates7. Infection control8. Health of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori people 9. Tabular atlas of human anatomy and physiology
Book details
ISBN: 9780729542807
Page Count: 0
Retail Price : £
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