New Edition
Essential Enrolled Nursing Skills for Person-Centred Care WorkBook,
Edition 2
By Gabby Koutoukidis, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BNurs (Mid), Adv Dip Nurs (Ed), MPH, Dip Business, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), MACN, International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow, Candidate EdD (Research) and Kate Stainton, MA HlthSci(Nurs), GDipNurs(ed), BN(Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), Cert IV TAE, MACN

Publication Date: 01 Oct 2020

Supporting Tabbner’s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice, 8th edition, the skills workbook is an essential, up-to-date resource reflecting contemporary Enrolled Nursing scope of practice and recent changes to guidelines. The workbook guides students with step-by-step, evidence based, practical skills and rationales for each skill activity.

Written by Gabby Koutoukidis and Kate Stainton, Essential Enrolled Nursing Skills for Person-Centred Care 2nd edition addresses the core skills of Enrolled Nursing practice and introduces the Nursing informatics competency skill to prepare students for the requirements of digital health and adapt to changing health care environments.

Key Features

  • Knowledge and skills to deliver responsible, safe nursing care within the Enrolled Nurse scope of practice
  • All skills align to current standards including the NMBA Decision Making Framework (2020), the Enrolled Nurse Standards for Practice (2016) and the National Safety & Quality Health Services Standards (2018)
  • Opportunity for student reflection following assessment, as well as educator feedback
  • An eBook included in all print purchases

New Features

Nursing informatics competency skill, aligned to the National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Capability Framework 2020

About the author
By Gabby Koutoukidis, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BNurs (Mid), Adv Dip Nurs (Ed), MPH, Dip Business, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), MACN, International Specialised Skills Institute Fellow, Candidate EdD (Research), Associate Director, Health & Community Care, Chisholm Institute, Melbourne, Victoria; Kate Stainton, MA HlthSci(Nurs), GDipNurs(ed), BN(Mid), DipAppSci(Nurs), Cert IV TAE, MACN, Strategy & Innovation Consultant, BaptistCare, NSW, Australia and Sessional Academic, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Table of Contents
1. Nursing informatics and technology in healthcare
2. Health Information: Nursing Documentation and Clinical Handover
3. Understanding and Promoting Health
4. Health Assessment Frameworks: Initial and Ongoing
5. Vital Sign Assessment
6. Admission, Transfer and Discharge Processes
7. Infection Prevention and Control
8. Maintenance of Health: Hygiene and Comfort Care
9. Medication Administration and Monitoring
10. Nursing Care of an Individual: Cardiovascular and Respiratory
11. Nursing Care of an Individual: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis
12. Promotion of Health and Wellbeing: Movement and Exercise
13. Maintaining and Promoting Skin Integrity and Wound Care
14. Promotion of Health and Wellbeing: Nutrition
15. Nursing Care: Urinary Elimination and Continence
16. Nursing Care: Bowel Elimination and Continence
17. Nursing Assessment and Management of Sensory Health
18. Nursing Assessment and Management of Neurological Health
19. Nursing Assessment and Management of Endocrine Health
20. Nursing in the Acute Care Environment
21. Nursing in the Perioperative Care Environment
22. Nursing in the Emergency Care Environment
Book details
ISBN: 9780729543309
Page Count: 478
Retail Price : £39.99