Portfolios for Nursing, Midwifery and other Health Professions,
Edition 4
By Lynette Cusack, RN/midwife, PhD, MHA, BN, DN, MRCN and Morgan Smith, RN, PhD, MEd, BN, Dip App Sc – CHN

Publication Date: 15 Feb 2020

Portfolios for Nursing, Midwifery and other Health Professions is a practical guide providing detailed strategies for developing a quality portfolio that will assist you to review your professional practice, assess your learning and career planning, direct your continuing professional development and effectively communicate your professional achievements.

Written by Lynette Cusack and Morgan Smith, this fourth edition will help you understand the drivers and benefits of portfolios and how to design and evaluate a quality portfolio in order to meet the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) annual registration requirements.

Key Features

  • Clearly outlines what a portfolio is, how it is used and why different types of portfolios are required for different purposes
  • Supports understanding of the relationship between portfolios and the AHPRA regulatory requirements of self-declaration and practising in accordance with professional practice standards
  • Assists in understanding and applying reflection techniques in professional development, learning and portfolio use.

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New Features

  • An increased focus on how portfolios relate to career planning and achieving professional goals
  • Highlights different ways of demonstrating evidence of achievements
  • An increased emphasis on demonstrating safety and quality in healthcare and person-centred practice
  • An eBook included in all print purchases
About the author
By Lynette Cusack, RN/midwife, PhD, MHA, BN, DN, MRCN, Associate Professor, Adelaide Nursing School, University of Adelaide, South Australia and Morgan Smith, RN, PhD, MEd, BN, Dip App Sc – CHN, Senior Lecturer, Adelaide Nursing School, University of Adelaide, South Australia
Table of Contents
1.Professional practice and portfolios: Why is a professional portfolio important?
2.Portfolio styles and models
3.Reflection and reflective practice
4.Evidence: What do I have and what do I need?
5.Compiling your portfolio
6.Portfolio evaluation and assessment
7.Examples of health practitioners' approaches to planning and evaluating CPD
Book details
ISBN: 9780729543521
Page Count: 138
Illustrations : 11 illustrations (11 in full color)
Retail Price : £27.99