Data Interpretation in Critical Care Medicine,
Edition 5
By Bala Venkatesh, MD, FCIM, T. J. Morgan, MBBS, FANZCA, FFICANZCA, Chris Joyce, MB, ChB, JFICM, FANZCA and Shane Townsend, MBBS, FANZCA, FFICANZCA

Publication Date: 13 Dec 2002
The management of critically ill patients not only involves a bedside clinical assessment, but also a thorough daily review of investigations and monitoring. A detailed knowledge and understanding of data are an important part of training and practice in the day-to-day management of patients in intensive care.

This book will play a useful role in the education of trainees, providing a source of real clinical data, with questions and answers, enabling them to test and develop their interpretation skills.

Key Features

  • Answers with explanations follow each question, providing instant access to the correct interpretation and additional information to enhance the readers understanding.
  • Important review for anesthesia and critical care personnel who need to know this information for practice or for exams.
About the author
By Bala Venkatesh, MD, FCIM, The George Institute for Global Health, King Street, Newtown.; T. J. Morgan, MBBS, FANZCA, FFICANZCA, Senior Specialist in Intensive Care, Department of Intensive Care, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Australia; Chris Joyce, MB, ChB, JFICM, FANZCA, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, University of Queensland. Director of Intensive Care , Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane and Shane Townsend, MBBS, FANZCA, FFICANZCA, Specialist in Cardiac Intensive Care, Prince Charles Hospital, Queensland, Australia
Table of Contents
Cardiovascular system - ECGs, echocardiography, pulmonary artery catheter data; Respiratory system - ventilator pressures and volumes, ventilator waveforms; Blood gas analyses - arterial, venous, capillary; Acid-base disturbances; Electrolyte abnormalities; Haematology data; Coagulation abnormalities; Endocrine crisis; Infectious disease in critical care; Critical care hepatology and gastroenterology; Intoxications; Neurocritical care; Trauma
Book details
ISBN: 9780750652735
Page Count: 128
Illustrations : 144 ills.
Retail Price : £32.99
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Critical Care Medicine Practitioners and Residents, Anesthesiology Practitioners and Residents Critical Care Nurses, Nurse Anesthetists, Health Science Libraries