Fundamentals of Body CT,
Edition 1
By W. Richard Webb, MD, Wiliam E. Brant, MD, FACR and Nancy M. Major, MD

Publication Date: 13 Nov 2014
About the author
By W. Richard Webb, MD, Chief, Thoracic Imaging, Professor of Rdiology, University of California, San Francisco Medical School, Department of Radiology, San Francisco, CA; Wiliam E. Brant, MD, FACR, Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia and Nancy M. Major, MD, Professor of Radiology and Orthopedics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Director of Imaging, Sports and Performance Center, Boulder, Colorado
Table of Contents
Part I: Thorax1. Intro to CT of the Thorax: Chest CT Techniques2. Mediastinum-Introduction & Normal Anatomy3. Mediastinum-Vascular Abnormalities4. Mediastinum- Lymph Node Abnormalities & Masses5. The Pulmonary Hila6. Lung Disease 7. Pleura, Chest Wall, and DiaphragmPart II: The Abdomen & Pelvis8. Introduction to CT of the Abdomen & Pelvis9. Peritoneal Cavity, Vessels, Nodes, and Abdominal Wall 10. Abdominal Trauma11. Liver 12. Biliary Tree and Gallbladder13. Pancreas 14. Spleen 15. Kidneys and Ureters16. Adrenal Glands17. Gastrointestinal Tract18. Pelvis Part III: Musculoskeletal Skeleton19. CT in Musculoskeletal Trauma 20. CT in Musculoskeletal Nontrauma 21. Incidental Findings
Book details
ISBN: 9788131239902
Page Count: 400
Retail Price : £46.75