Fundamentals of Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing,
Edition 1
By Lily Podder

Publication Date: 28 Feb 2019

Meant for undergraduate nursing students, this book is designed to reorient and widen the students’ knowledge and skills in rendering nursing care to normal and high-risk pregnant women in hospitals and community settings. The book is in concise format, and it will be of immense help to the students in their preparation for university examinations.

Key Features

  • Compliance with INC prescribed syllabus in entirety
  • Text in concise format, which is easier to memorise, retain and revise
  • Nursing management of typical conditions drafted in easy-to-understand concise format
  • Line drawings instead of halftones to facilitate easy reproduction in exams
  • Clear, accurate illustrations for better understanding of the complex concepts
  • More than 450 multiple choice questions to help in quick recapitulation of key points
  • Exam-oriented sample questions at the end of each chapter
About the author
By Lily Podder
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing

Historical Review of Obstetrics

Development of Midwifery in India

Trends in Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing

Legal and Ethical Aspects

Medicolegal Aspects of Obstetrics

Role of Nurse in Midwifery

Preconception Care and Preparing for Parenthood

National Policy and Legislation in Relation to Maternal Health and Welfare

Maternal Morbidity, Mortality Rates, Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality Rates

CHAPTER 2 Anatomy and Physiology of Female Reproductive System

Female Pelvis


Female Reproductive Organs and their Functions

Female Reproductive Cycle

Stages of Sexual Development

Stages of Human Sexual Response

Stages of Development of Ovarian Follicles

Structure of Graafi an Follicle

Structure of Mature Spermatozoon


Hormonal Control


CHAPTER 3 Assessment and Management of Antenatal Period

Normal Pregnancy

Physiological Changes during Pregnancy

Hormones and their Effects During Pregnancy

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

Phases of Pregnancy and Pregnancy Events

Minor Disorders and their Management During Pregnancy

Presumptive, Probable and Positive Signs of Pregnancy

Antenatal Care

Antenatal Diet

Antenatal Exercises

Advices for the Antenatal Woman in Each Visit

Assessment of Fetal Well-Being

Psychological and Cultural Aspects of Pregnancy


CHAPTER 4 Assessment and Management of Intranatal Period


Elaborate Clinical Picture of Labour

Stages of Labour

Physiological Effects of Labour

Management of Normal Labour

Management of Second Stage of Labour

Management of Third Stage of Labour

Management of Fourth Stage of Labour

CHAPTER 5 Assessment and Management of Women during Postnatal


Defi nition

Duration of Puerperium

Physiological Changes During Puerperium

Anatomical and Physiological Changes During Puerperium

Physiology of Lactation


Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

Breast Engorgement

Management of Early Puerperium

Postpartum Exercises

Physical Assessment and Daily Care During Postnatal Period

Clinical Chart for Puerperium (Mother)

Management of Bleeding

Pain Management

Sexual Activity


Immune System


Discharge Preparation

Discomforts During Puerperium and Relief Measures

Perineal Pain



Correction of Anaemia

Breastfeeding Difficulties

Breast Care

Guidance and Instructions in Preparation for Home Care

Nursing Process During the Puerperium

Signs of Potential Complications During Postnatal Period

CHAPTER 6 Assessment and Management of Normal Neonates

Normal Neonates

Physiological Adaptation

Newborn Physical Assessment

APGAR Scoring Chart

Essential Newborn Care


Minor Disorders of Newborns and their Management

Levels of Neonatal Care (Levels I, II and III)

CHAPTER 7 High-Risk Pregnancy – Assessment and Management

Screening and Assessment

Invasive and Noninvasive Tests

Emesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis Gravidarum


Ectopic Pregnancy

Hydatiform Mole

Antepartum Hemorrhage – Placenta Previa and Abruptio Placenta

Abruptio Placentae

Medical Illness Complicating Pregnancy

Surgical Illness in Pregnancy


Multiple Pregnancy

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy – Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

Elderly Primigravida

Grand Multipara

Adolescent Pregnancy

Intrauterine Growth Retardation

Abnormalities of Placenta, Uterus and Umbilical Cord

Displacement of Uterus

Rh Incompatibility

Infections in Pregnancy

CHAPTER 8 Abnormal Labour – Assessment and Management

Labour Dystocia

Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)

Contracted Pelvis

Malpositions and Malpresentations

Premature Labour

Disordered Uterine Action

Precipitate Labour

Prolonged Labour

Induction of Labour

Obstetrical Emergencies and their Management

Obstetrical Procedures and Operations

Complications of Third Stage of Labour

Injuries to Birth Canal

CHAPTER 9 Abnormal Puerperium

Early Postpartum Haemorrhage

Late Postpartum Haemorrhage

Puerperal Fever/Pyrexia

Puerperal Sepsis

Infection due to Childbirth Process Other than Puerperal Sepsis

Psychiatric Disorders in the Postnatal Period

CHAPTER 10 High-Risk Newborn

Organization and Management of NICU

Staffi ng Pattern

Monitoring the High-Risk Newborn

Feeding of High-Risk Neonates

Infection Control

Low-Birthweight Babies

Respiratory Disorders

Congenital Anomalies of Newborn

Birth Injuries

CHAPTER 11 Pharmacotherapeutics in Obstetrics

Pregnancy and Its Effects on Pharmacokinetics

Effects of Drugs on Pregnancy, Labour and Puerperium

Drugs and Breastfeeding

Effects of Maternal Medication on Fetus and Neonate

Food and Drug Association Classifi cation of Drugs

Analgesics and Anaesthetics in Obstetrics

Drugs Used in Obstetrics

Role of Nurse in Drug Administration

CHAPTER 12 Family Welfare Programme

Population Trends and Problems in India’s Demography

Concepts, Aims, Importance and History of Family Welfare Programme

Maternal and Child Health Programmes

Organization and Administration at National State, District, Block and Village Levels in Family Welfare Programme

Role of National and International Voluntary Health Agencies

Family Planning

Infertility and Its Management

Role of Nurse in Family Welfare Programme

APPENDIX A Commonly Used Abbreviations in Obstetrical and Gynaecological Nursing


APPENDIX C Important Procedures

Antenatal History Taking and Antenatal Assessment

Per Vaginal Examination in Labour and Interpretation

Maintaining Partograph

Conducting Normal Delivery

Episiotomy Giving and Repairing

Delivery of Placenta

Placental Examination

Abnormalities of Placenta and Cord

Postnatal Assessment

Assisted Breech Delivery

Assisting for Lower Segment Cesarean Section (LSCS)

Perineal Care

Assisted Vacuum Delivery



Book details
ISBN: 9788131253335
Page Count: 492
Retail Price : £14.90