PART I General Physiology
SECTION 1 General Physiology
1.1 Functional Organization, Composition and Internal
Environment of Human Body
Functional Organization of the Human Body
Body Composition
Internal Environment and Homeostasis
1.2 The Cell Physiology
Cell Structure
The Cell Membrane
intercellular Junctions
1.3 Transport through Cell Membrane
Passive Transport
Active Transport
Vesicular Transport
Other Transport Processes
1.4 Membrane Potential
Genesis of Membrane Potential
Recording of Membrane Potential
1.5 Genetics: An Overview
Structural and Functional Characteristics
of Substrate for Genetics
Applied Genetics
PART II Systemic Physiology
SECTION 2 Nerve Muscle Physiology
2.1 The Nerve
Functional Anatomy
Biological Activities
Electrical Properties of Nerve Fibre
Physiological Properties of Nerve Fibres
Nerve Fibre Types
Degeneration and Regeneration of Neurons
Factors Promoting Neuronal Growth
2.2 Neuromuscular Junction
Structure of Neuromuscular Junction
Neuromuscular Transmission
Drugs Affecting and Disorders of Neuromuscular Junction
Applied Aspects
2.3 Skeletal Muscle
Functional Anatomy and Organization
Process of Muscle Excitability and Contractility
Characteristics of Muscle Excitability and Contractility
Some Characteristics of the Skeletal Muscles in the Intact Body
Electromyography and Common Disorders of Muscles
Applied Aspects
Source of Energy and Metabolic Phenomenon During Muscle Contraction
2.4 Smooth Muscle and Cardiac Muscle
Smooth Muscle
Cardiac Muscle
Comparison of Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac Muscles
SECTION 3 Blood and Immune System
3.1 Plasma and Plasma Proteins
Plasma Proteins
3.2 Red Blood Cells and Anaemias
Characteristic Features of Red Blood Cells
Formation of Red Blood Cells
Red Cell Fragility
Lifespan and Fate of Red Blood Cells
Bilirubin and Jaundice
3.3 White Blood Cells
White Blood Cell Types and their Counts
Formation of White Blood Cells
Morphology, Functions, Lifespan and Variations in Counts of Wbcs
Applied Aspects
Applied Aspects
3.4 Immune Mechanisms
Architecture (Components) of Immune System
Development of Immune Response
Other Immune Mechanism-Related Aspects
3.5 Platelets, Haemostasis and Blood Coagulation
Blood Coagulation
Clotting Factors
Mechanism of Coagulation
Antihaemostatic Mechanisms
Bleeding Disorders
3.6 Blood Groups and Blood Transfusion
Blood Groups
Blood Transfusion
SECTION 4 Cardiovascular System
4.1 Functional Anatomy of Heart and Physiology of Cardiac Muscle
Functional Anatomy of Heart
Physiology of Cardiac Muscle
4.2 Origin and Spread of Cardiac Impulse and Electrocardiography
Origin and Spread of Cardiac Impulse
Applied Aspects
4.3 Heart as a Pump: Cardiac Cycle, Cardiac Output and Venous Return
Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Output and Venous Return
4.4 Dynamics of Circulation: Pressure and Flow of Blood and Lymph
Functional Organization and Structure of Vascular System
Pressure and Flow in Various Functional Segments of Systemic Vascular Tree
Blood Pressure
4.5 Cardiovascular Regulation
Neural Control Mechanism
Humoral Control Mechanisms
Local Control Mechanisms
4.6 Regional Circulation
Coronary Circulation
Applied Aspects
Cerebral Circulation
Cutaneous Circulation
Skeletal Muscle Circulation
Splanchnic Circulation
4.7 Cardiovascular Homeostasis in Health and Disease
Cardiovascular Homeostasis in Health
Cardiovascular Homeostasis in Diseases
SECTION 5 Respiratory System
5.1 Respiratory Tract: Structure and Functions
Functional Anatomy
Functions of the Respiratory System
5.2 Pulmonary Ventilation
Mechanics of Pulmonary Ventilation
Lung Volumes and Capacities
Pulmonary Elastance and Compliance
Work of Breathing
5.3 Pulmonary Circulation
Functional Anatomy
Characteristic Features of Pulmonary Circulation
Functions of Pulmonary Circulation
Regulation of Pulmonary Blood Flow
5.4 Pulmonary Diffusion
Physics of Gas Diffusion and Gas Partial Pressures
Alveolar Ventilation
Alveolar Ventilation–Perfusion Ratio
Alveolar Air
Diffusion of Gases Through the Respiratory Membrane
5.5 Transport of Gases
Transport of Oxygen
Transport of Carbon Dioxide
5.6 Regulation of Respiration
Neural Regulation of Respiration
Afferent Impulses to Respiratory Centres
Chemical Regulation of Respiration
5.7 Respiration: Applied Aspects
Respiratory Adjustments to Stresses in Health
Disturbances of Respiration
Artificial Respiration and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Pulmonary Function Tests
SECTION 6 Excretory System
6.1 Kidneys: Functional Anatomy and Blood Flow
Functional Anatomy of Kidneys
Renal Blood Flow
6.2 Mechanism of Urine Formation: Glomerular Filtration and Tubular Transport
Glomerular Filtration
Tubular Reabsorption and Secretion
6.3 Concentration, Dilution and Acidification of Urine
Concentration and Dilution of Urine: A Mechanism to Regulate Urine Volume and Osmolality
Acidification of Urine
6.4 Regulation of Body Fluid Osmolality, Composition and Volume
Body Fluid Compartments
Control of Body Fluid Osmolality
Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Volume and Composition
Defence of Specific Ion Composition
Disturbances of Volume and Concentration of Body Fluid
6.5 Applied Renal Physiology Including Renal Function Tests
Pathophysiology of Common Renal Disorders
Renal Function Tests
Dialysis and Renal Transplantation
6.6 Physiology of Micturition
Urinary Bladder and Urethra
Physiology of Micturition
Abnormalities of Micturition
SECTION 7 Gastrointestinal System
7.1 Functional Anatomy and General Principles of Functions of Gastrointestinal System
Functional Anatomy
General Principles of Gastrointestinal Functions
7.2 Physiological Activities in Mouth, Pharynx and Oesophagus
Lubrication of Food by Saliva
Deglutition (Swallowing)
Applied Aspects
7.3 Physiological Activities in Stomach
Functional Anatomy
Physiology of Gastric Secretion
Physiology of Gastric Motility
Functions of Stomach
Applied Aspects
7.4 Pancreas, Liver and Gall Bladder
Liver and Gall Bladder
7.5 Physiological Activities in Small Intestine
Functional Anatomy
Small Intestinal Secretions
Motility of Small Intestine
Functions of Small Intestine
Applied Aspects
7.6 Physiological Activities in Large Intestine
Functional Anatomy
Large Intestinal Secretions and Bacterial Activity
Motility of Large Intestine
Functions of Large Intestine
Applied Aspects
7.7 Digestion and Absorption
Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates
Applied Aspects
Digestion and Absorption of Proteins
Applied Aspects
Digestion and Absorption of Fats
Absorption of Water, Electrolytes, Minerals and Vitamins
Applied Aspects
SECTION 8 Endocrinal System
8.1 General Principles of Endocrinal System
Hormones: Definition and Classification
Hormones: General Considerations
Hormone: Receptors and Mechanism of Action
Measurement of Hormones
8.2 Endocrinal Functions of Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
Introduction and Functional Anatomy
Endocrinal Aspects of Hypothalamus
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
Posterior Pituitary Hormones
Applied Aspects
8.3 Thyroid Gland
Functional Anatomy
Thyroid Hormones
Applied Aspects of Thyroid Hormones
8.4 Endocrinal Control of Calcium Metabolism and Bone Physiology
Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium Metabolism
Bone Physiology
Calcitropic Hormones
Applied Aspects
8.5 Adrenal Glands
Functional Anatomy
Hormones of Adrenal Cortex
Applied Aspects
Hormones of Adrenal Medulla
8.6 Pancreatic and Gastrointestinal Hormones
Endocrine Pancreas
Applied Aspects
Gastrointestinal Hormones
8.7 Endocrinal Functions of Other Organs and Local Hormones
Hormones of the Heart
Hormones of the Kidney
Pineal Gland
Local Hormones
SECTION 9 Reproductive System
9.1 Sexual Growth and Development
Prepubertal Sexual Growth and Development
Applied Aspects
Puberty and Adolescence
Applied Aspects
9.2 Male Reproductive Physiology
An Overview of Male Reproductive System
Functional Anatomy of Testes
Functions of Testes
Control of Androgen Secretion
Applied Aspects
9.3 Female Reproductive Physiology
An Overview of Female Reproductive System
Female Sexual Cycle
Applied Aspects
9.4 Physiology of Coitus, Pregnancy and Parturition
Physiology of Coitus
Physiology of Pregnancy
Physiology of Parturition
Applied Aspects
9.5 Physiology of Lactation
Development and Functional Anatomy of Breast
Physiology of Lactation
9.6 Physiology of Contraception
Contraceptive Methods in Females
Contraceptive Methods in Males
SECTION 10 Nervous System
10.1 Physiological Anatomy, Functions and Lesions of Spinal Cord and Brainstem
Physiological Anatomy and Functions of Spinal Cord
Physiological Anatomy and Functions of Brainstem
Tracts of Spinal Cord and Brainstem
Applied Aspects
Lesions of Spinal Cord and Brainstem
10.2 Physiological Anatomy, Functions and Lesions of Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia
Applied Aspects
Basal Ganglia
10.3 Physiological Anatomy, Functions and Lesions of Thalamus and Hypothalamus
10.4 Physiological Anatomy and Functions of Cerebral Cortex and White Matter of Cerebrum
Cerebral Cortex
White Matter of Cerebrum
10.5 Autonomic Nervous System
Anatomical Considerations
Physiological Considerations
Applied Aspects
10.6 Meninges, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Blood–Brain Barrier and Cerebral Blood Flow
Meninges of the Brain
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Blood–Brain Barrier and Blood–CSF Barrier
Cerebral Blood Flow
10.7 Synaptic Transmission
Synapse: Definition and Types
Chemical Synapse
10.8 Somatosensory System
General Sensory Mechanism
Somatosensory System
10.9 Somatic Motor System
Components of Somatic Motor Control System
Skeletal Muscles: the Effector Organ of Somatic
Motor System
Applied Aspects
Refl ex Activity
Regulation of Posture
Vestibular Apparatus and Equilibrium
10.10 Limbic System and Physiology of Emotional, Behavioural and Motivational Mechanisms
Limbic System
Physiology of Emotions
Physiology of Motivation
Monoaminergic Neuronal Tracts and Physiological Basis of Psychotic Disorders
Applied Aspects
10.11 Reticular Formation, Electrical Activity of the Brain, and Alert Behaviour and Sleep
Reticular Formation and Reticular-Activating System
Electrical Activity of the Brain
Wakefulness and Sleep
Applied Aspects
10.12 Some Higher Functions of Nervous System
Language and Speech
Applied Aspects
Learning and Memory
Higher Intellectual Functions of the Prefrontal Association Cortex
SECTION 11 Special Senses
11.1 Sense of Vision
Introduction and Functional Anatomy
Maintenance of Clear Refractive Media of the Eye
The Image Forming Mechanism
Applied Aspects
Physiology of Vision
Applied Aspects
Field of Vision and Binocular Vision
Applied Aspects
Applied Aspects
Physiology of Ocular Motility
Aqueous Humour and Intraocular Pressure
Physiology of Pupil
Applied Aspects
11.2 Sense of Hearing
Functional Anatomy
Auditory Pathways
Physiology of Hearing
Conduction of Sound Waves
Transduction of Sound Waves
Neural Transmission of Signals
Neural Processing of Auditory Information
Applied Aspects
11.3 Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste
The Sense of Smell
Applied Aspects
Applied Aspects
PART III Specialized Integrative Physiology
SECTION 12 Specialized Integrative Physiology
12.1 Physiology of Exercise and Sports
Responses To Exercise
Effects of Training
12.2 Environmental Physiology
High-Altitude Physiology
Physiology of High Atmospheric Pressure
12.3 Physiology of Acid–Base Balance
General Considerations
Maintenance of Blood pH
Acid–Base Disorders
Analysis and Clinical Evaluation of Acid–Base Disorders
12.4 Physiology of Body Temperature Regulation
Body Temperature
Heat Balance
Regulation of Body Temperature
Applied Aspects
12.5 Physiology of Growth and Behavioural Development
Growth and Development
Behavioural Development
12.6 Physiology of Fetus, Neonate and Childhood
Role of Placenta in Fetal Physiology
Systemic Physiology of Fetus, Newborn and Childhood
Applied Aspect
Applied Aspects
12.7 Geriatric Physiology
Age-Related Changes In Different Organ Systems
Theories of Ageing
Modulating the Process of Ageing