Section 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to management in nursing 2
Section 2 Management process
CHAPTER 2 Planning 38
CHAPTER 3 Staffing 57
CHAPTER 4 Human resource management 74
CHAPTER 5 Budgeting 106
CHAPTER 6 Material management 126
CHAPTER 7 Direction (leading) 144
CHAPTER 8 Controlling: Quality management 155
CHAPTER 9 Programme evaluation and review technique 167
Section 3 Management of nursing services in hospital and community
CHAPTER 10 Hospitals, patient care units and ward management 183
CHAPTER 11 Emergency and disaster management 204
CHAPTER 12 Human resource management in hospital and community services 225
CHAPTER 13 Categorizing nursing personnel 236
CHAPTER 14 Patient/population assessment and nursing care responsibilities 258
CHAPTER 15 Staff development and welfare 272
CHAPTER 16 Budgeting for hospital and community management 282
CHAPTER 17 Material management in hospital and community services 293
CHAPTER 18 Directing/leading in hospital and community services 305
CHAPTER 19 Assignment, rotation, and delegation 315
CHAPTER 20 Supervision and guidance 325
CHAPTER 21 Nursing standards and policies (procedures and practices) 340
CHAPTER 22 Maintenance of discipline 351
CHAPTER 23 Evaluation and documentation 360
CHAPTER 24 Performance appraisal 388
Section 4 Organizational behaviour and human relations
CHAPTER 25 Organizational structure and behaviour 401
CHAPTER 26 Review of channels of communication 419
CHAPTER 27 Leadership styles 433
CHAPTER 28 Review of motivation: Concepts and theories 449
CHAPTER 29 Group dynamics 463
CHAPTER 30 Techniques of communication and interpersonal relationships 477
CHAPTER 31 Human relations 493
CHAPTER 32 Public relations in context of nursing 507
CHAPTER 33 Collective bargaining and professional associations 516
Section 5 In-service education
CHAPTER 34 In-service education 534
CHAPTER 35 Adult education/learning 550
Section 6 Management of nursing educational institutions
CHAPTER 36 Establishment of nursing educational institutions 560
CHAPTER 37 Curriculum and documentation 613
Section 7 Nursing as a profession
CHAPTER 38 Nursing as a profession 634
Section 8 Professional advancement
CHAPTER 39 Continuing education and career opportunities 675
CHAPTER 40 Collective bargaining 688
CHAPTER 41 Research activities: Membership, participation and publications 698
Appendix: Management terminology 713
Index 717