Community Health Nursing,
Edition 1 Framework for Practice- Vol 2
By Shobana Gangadharan and M. Hemamalini

Publication Date: 04 Sep 2021

Key Features

  • Complete and comprehensive coverage of Community health nursing II syllabus prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council.
  • Review Questions’ at the end of each chapter includes frequently asked questions of various universities as essays, short notes and short answer questions to prepare students thus supporting to prepare students.
  • Chapter on National Health Programmes includes updated information from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India) such as National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme & RMNCH+A. Chapter on Community Health approaches are explained in a comprehensive manner. Social issues and ways to handle them are discussed in detail based on the current societal needs.
About the author
By Shobana Gangadharan and M. Hemamalini
Table of Contents


1 Introduction to Community Health and Community Health Nursing

  • Definitions
  • Aims of Community Health Nursing
  • Objectives
  • How to Achieve the Goal?
  • Principles of Community Health Nursing
  • Changing Concepts of Community Health
  • Concepts of Community Health Nursing
  • Qualities of Community Health Nurse
  • Philosophy of Community Health Nursing
  • Historical Development of Community Health
  • and Community Health Nursing in India
  • Scope of Community Health Nursing Practice
  • Review Questions

2 Health Planning and Policies and Problems

  • Introduction
  • Five Year Plans in India
  • Health Committees
  • Central Council of Health and Family
  • Welfare
  • National Health Policies
  • National Health Policy-
  • Policy Thrust
  • National Population Policy
  • Health Problems in India
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

3 Delivery of Community Health Services

  • Introduction
  • Planning
  • Budgeting in Health Care System
  • Health Care Financing
  • Material Management
  • Organization, Staffi ng and Functions at Village Level, Subcentre, PHC, CHC, Subdivisional/

Taluk, District Hospital, Central, State, District

  • Urban Health Infrastructure
  • Environmental Sanitation
  • Health Education
  • Vital Statistics
  • Maternal Health Centres,
  • Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act,
  • Medical Termination Amendment Bill,
  • Safe Abortion Services at Various Levels of Care,
  • Female Foeticide Act,
  • Family Welfare Programmes,
  • Family Planning Services at Various Levels
  • of Care,
  • Components of Health Services,
  • National Health Programmes
  • School Health Services
  • Occupational Health
  • Defence Services
  • Institutional Services
  • Systems of Medicine and Health Care
  • Social and Spiritual Healing
  • Mainstreaming of Ayush Under NRHM
  • Referral System
  • Review Questions

4 Community Health Nursing Approaches, Concepts and Roles and Responsibilities of Nursing Personnel, 76

  • Epidemiological Approach
  • Theories and Models for Community Health Nursing
  • Community Health Nursing Process
  • Problem-Solving Approach
  • Evidence-Based Approach
  • Primary Health Care
  • Family Health Services
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Community Health Nursing (CHN) in Family Health Service
  • Home Visiting
  • Information, Education and Communication
  • Health Management Information System
  • Nursing Management Information Systemv(NMIS) ii

  • Control Programmes
  • Nutritional Programmes
  • Programmes Related to System Strengthening and Welfare
  • Other Health and Sanitation Programmes
  • Health Screening
  • National Programme for Control and Treatment of Occupational Diseases
  • Health Schemes
  • Review Questions

5 Activities of Community Health Nurse in Assisting Individuals and Groups to Promote and Maintain Their Health

  • Introduction
  • Growth and Development
  • Weight Measurement
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Home/ Community Settings
  • Menstrual Cycle
  • Breast Self-Examination
  • Testicular Self-Examination
  • Warning Signs of Five Severe Diseases
  • Routine Health Check-Ups
  • Immunization and Immunization Schedule
  • Diagnosing Illness and the Diagnostic Process
  • Treatment
  • Counselling
  • Health Records Maintained at Public Health
  • Settings
  • Waste Management
  • Women’s Empowerment
  • Violence/Abuse Against Women
  • Child Abuse
  • Elder Abuse
  • Female Feticide
  • Review Questions

6 National Health and Family Welfare Programmes in India and the Health Schemes in India

  • National Health Programmes in India
  • Eradication Programmes
  • Elimination Programmes

7 Health Agencies

  • International Health Agencies
  • World Health Organization
  • The United Nations Fund for Population Activities
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • World Bank
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
  • Danish International Development Agency(DANIDA)
  • European Commission
  • International Red Cross
  • The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • Colombo Plan
  • Cooperative for Assistance and Relief
  • Everywhere (CARE)
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
  • Ford Foundation
  • Voluntary Health Agencies
  • Review Questions
  • Maintenance of Records and Reports
  • Training and Supervision
  • Role of Community Health Nurse in National
  • Health Programmes
  • School Health Services
  • Occupational Health
  • Organization of Clinics and Camps
  • Health Care Waste Management
  • Review Questions

Book details
ISBN: 9788131257616
Page Count: 206
Retail Price : £12.79