PART I Planning and Preparation
1 History Taking and Clinical Examination, 1
Stephen F. Rosenstiel, Martin F. Land, and Robert D. Walter
James E. Metz and Robert F. Baima, Section Contributors
2 Diagnostic Procedures, 34
Robert D. Walter, Martin F. Land, and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
Shereen S. Azer, Section Contributor
3 Treatment Planning, 84
Stephen F. Rosenstiel and Martin F. Land
Avinash S. Bidra, Contributing Author
4 Principles of Occlusion, 107
Martin F. Land and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
Jack M. Marincel, Section Contributor
5 Periodontal Considerations, 147
Rick K. Biethman and Daniel Melker
6 Mouth Preparation, 173
Robert D. Walter, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, and Martin F. Land
Rick K. Biethman and Robert F. Baima, Section Contributors
PART II Clinical Procedures: Section 1
7 Principles of Tooth Preparation, 199
Robert D. Walter, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, and Martin F. Land
8 Tooth Preparation for Ceramic Restorations, 249
Robert D. Walter, Martin F. Land, and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
Christa D. Hopp, Section Contributor
9 The Complete Crown Preparation, 267
Martin F. Land, Robert D. Walter, and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
10 The Ceramic-Veneered Crown Preparation, 279
Stephen F. Rosenstiel, Robert D. Walter, and Martin F. Land
11 The Cast Partial Veneer Crown, Inlay, and Onlay
Preparations, 291
Robert D. Walter, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, and Martin F. Land
12 Restoration of the Endodontically Treated
Tooth, 311
Stephen F. Rosenstiel and Martin F. Land
Donald A. Miller, Section Contributor
13 Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses, 355
Burak Yilmaz and Edwin A. McGlumphy
Peter E. Larsen, Section Contributor
14 Tissue Management, Scanning, and Impression
Making, 407
Martin F. Land, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, and Burak Yilmaz
15 Interim Fixed Restorations, 439
Van Ramos, Jr., Contributing Author
William M. Johnston, Martin A. Freilich, Jonathan C. Meiers, Jon Goldberg, Section Contributors
PART III Laboratory Procedures
16 Communicating With the Dental Laboratory, 481
Harald Heindl and Daniela Heindl, Contributing Authors
17 Definitive Casts and Dies, 493
Stephen F. Rosenstiel and Martin F. Land
Mathew Thomas Kattadiyil and Abdulaziz Alzaid, Contributing Authors
18 Restoration Design, 522
Lee Culp, Contributing Author
M.H. Reisbick, Section Contributor
19 Framework Design and Metal Selection for
Metal-Ceramic Restorations, 571
Martin F. Land and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
William A. Brantley, Section Contributor
20 Pontic Design, 596
Stephen F. Rosenstiel and Martin F. Land
R. Duane Douglas and Minaal Verma, Contributing Authors
21 Retainers for Removable Partial Dentures, 626
Martin F. Land and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
Montry S. Suprono, Contributing Author
22 Metal Restoration Fabrication, 652
Martin F. Land and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
M.H. Reisbick, William Brantley, Geoffrey A. Thompson,
Adel Almaaz, Hongseok An, Section Contributors
23 Color, the Color-Replication Process, and Esthetics, 680
Stephen F. Rosenstiel and Martin F. Land
Alvin G. Wee, Contributing Author
24 Metal-Ceramic Restorations, 709
Stephen F. Rosenstiel and Martin F. Land
William A. Brantley and Geoffrey A. Thompson, Section Contributors
25 Ceramic Restorations, 739
Stephen F. Rosenstiel, Martin F. Land, and Robert D. Walter
26 Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Dentures, 757
Van P. Thompson, Contributing Author
John Locke, Section Contributor
27 Connectors for Fixed Partial Dentures, 777
Martin F. Land and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
M.H. Reisbick, Section Contributor
28 Finishing the Metal Restoration, 800
Robert D. Walter, Martin F. Land, and Stephen F. Rosenstiel
PART IV Clinical Procedures: Section 2
29 Evaluation, Characterization, and Glazing, 813
Robert D. Walter, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, and Martin F. Land
Stuart H. Jacobs, Section Contributor
30 Luting Agents and Cementation Procedures, 851
Stephen F. Rosenstiel, and Martin F. Land
Pooya Soltanzadeh, Contributing Author
31 Postoperative Care, 872
Robert D. Walter, Stephen F. Rosenstiel, and Martin F. Land
Index, 913