Wine Tasting,
Edition 3 A Professional Handbook
By Ronald S. Jackson

Publication Date: 10 Jan 2017

From OIV-award-winning author, Ronald S. Jackson, Wine Tasting: A Professional Handbook, Third Edition, is an essential guide for any professional or serious connoisseur seeking to understand both the theory and practice of wine tasting. From techniques for assessing wine properties and quality, including physiological, psychological, and physicochemical sensory evaluation, to the latest information on the types of wine, the author guides the reader to a clear and applicable understanding of the wine tasting process.

With its inclusion of illustrative data and testing technique descriptions, the book is ideal for both those who train tasters, those involved in designing wine tastings, and the connoisseur seeking to maximize their perception and appreciation of wine.

Key Features

  • Contains revised and updated coverage, notably on the physiology and neurology of taste and odor perception
  • Includes expanded coverage of the statistical aspect of wine tasting (specific examples to show the process), qualitative wine tasting, wine language, the origins of wine quality, and food and wine combination
  • Provides a flow chart of wine tasting steps and production procedures
  • Presents practical details on wine storage and the problems that can occur both during and following bottle opening
About the author
By Ronald S. Jackson, Brock University, Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute, St. Catharine's, Ontario, Canada
Table of Contents
  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1. Introduction
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Tasting Process
    • Odor
    • Orthonasal (In-Glass) Odor
    • In-Mouth Sensations
    • Retronasal (Mouth-Derived) Odor
    • Finish
    • Overall Quality
    • Postscript
    • References
  • Chapter 2. Visual Perceptions
    • Abstract
    • Color
    • Clarity
    • Viscosity
    • Petillance/Effervescence
    • Tears
    • Suggested Readings
    • References
  • Chapter 3. Olfactory Sensations
    • Abstract
    • Olfactory System
    • Odorants and Olfactory Stimulation
    • Chemical Compounds Involved
    • Sensations of Chemesthesis (The Common Chemical Sense)
    • Odor Perception
    • Sources of Variation in Olfactory Perception
    • Odor Assessment in Wine Tasting
    • Off-Odors
    • Chemical Nature of Varietal Aromas
    • Suggested Readings
    • References
  • Chapter 4. Oral Sensations (Taste and Mouth-Feel)
    • Abstract
    • Taste
    • Factors Influencing Taste Perception
    • Mouth-Feel
    • Chemical Compounds Involved
    • Taste and Mouth-Feel Sensations in Wine Tasting
    • Suggested Readings
    • References
    • Appendix 4.1
  • Chapter 5. Quantitative (Technical) Wine Assessment
    • Abstract
    • Selection and Training of Tasters
    • Summary
    • Pretasting Organization
    • Tasting Design
    • Wine Terminology
    • Wine Evaluation
    • Sensory Analysis
    • Chemical Indicators of Wine Quality and Character
    • Occupational Hazards of Wine Tasting
    • Postscript
    • Suggested Readings
    • References
    • Appendix 5.1 Aroma and bouquet samples
    • Appendix 5.2 Basic off-odor samplesa,b,c,d
    • Appendix 5.3 Response sheet for taste/mouth-feel test
    • Appendix 5.4 Off-odors in four types of wine at two concentrations
    • Appendix 5.5 Minimum number of correct judgments to establish significance at various probability levels for the triangle test (one-tailed, p = 1/3)*
    • Appendix 5.6 Rank totals excluded for significance differences, 5% level. Any rank total outside the give range is significant
    • Appendix 5.7 Rank totals excluded for significance differences, 1% level. Any rank total outside the give range is significant
    • Appendix 5.8 Multipliers for estimating significance of difference by range. Two-way classification. A, 5% level; B, 1% level
    • Appendix 5.9 Minimum numbers of correct judgments to establish significance at various probability levels for paired-difference and duo-trio tests (one-tailed, p = 1/2)a
  • Chapter 6. Qualitative Wine Assessment
    • Abstract
    • Tasting Room
    • Information Provided
    • Sample Preparation
    • Wine Score Sheets
    • Sensory Training Exercises
    • Tasting Situations
    • Suggested Readings
    • References
    • Appendix 6.1 Sweetness in Wine
    • Appendix 6.2 Sourness
    • Appendix 6.3 Phenolic Components
    • Appendix 6.4 Alcoholic Wine Constituents
    • Appendix 6.5 Taste Interaction
  • Chapter 7. Styles and Types of Wine
    • Abstract
    • Still Table Wines
    • Sparkling Wines
    • Fortified Wines (Dessert and Appetizer Wines)
    • Brandy
    • Suggested Readings
    • References
  • Chapter 8. Nature and Origins of Wine Quality
    • Abstract
    • Sources of Quality
    • Vineyard Influences
    • Winery
    • Chemistry
    • Suggested Readings
    • References
  • Chapter 9. Wine and Food Combination
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Wine Selection
    • Historical Origins of Food and Wine Association
    • Concept of Flavor Principles
    • Food and Wine Pairing
    • Uses in Food Preparation
    • Types of Occasions
    • Wine Presentation
    • Suggested Readings
    • Web Sites
    • References
  • Glossary
    • Tasting Term Glossary
  • Index
Book details
ISBN: 9780128018132
Page Count: 430
Retail Price : £73.99
  • Jackson, Wine Tasting: A Professional Handbook, 2002, 9780123790767, $88.95
  • Jackson, Wine Science: Principles, Practice, Perception 2nd ed., 2000, 9780123790620, $138.95
For people involved in wine production, tasting, commercial judging, quality assessment of wine and wineries, wine societies, wine appreciation courses, or training of tasters (wineries, wine merchants); University researchers and students at schools with viticulture programs. Also serious wine connoisseurs who want to maximize their perception and appreciation of wine