Sobotta Tables of Muscles, Joints and Nerves, English/Latin,
Edition 2 Tables to 16th ed. of the Sobotta Atlas
Edited by Jens Waschke and Friedrich Paulsen

Publication Date: 22 Aug 2018

Sobotta Tables of Muscles, Joints and Nerves, enables it’s users to deepen and consolidate their muscle, joint and nerve knowledge quickly and systematically utilising the 60 tables in this practical study book:

  • All of the muscles of the human body, including their origin, insertion, innervation and function
  • Each muscle is accompanied by a small schematic Sobotta figure highlighting the relevant muscle in red
  • Review branches and innervation areas of the Plexus cervicalis, brachialis and lumboscralis in detail
  • A focus on joints and cranial nerves

Each table refers back to the relevant anatomical figures in the 16th edition of the Sobotta - Atlas of Anatomy, thus making it the perfect study companion to the Atlas.

About the author
Edited by Jens Waschke and Friedrich Paulsen
Book details
ISBN: 9780702052729
Page Count: 80
Illustrations : 14 illustrations (14 in full color)
Retail Price : £14.99
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